Becca's Stories Home/Backstreet Stories/The Truth & The Shadows/Supergirl Slash
Pen & Paper/Hosted Fiction/The Poetry Project

Pen & Paper

This story was written in twenty minutes before I left for work. I was under the gun, because my boyfriend was leaving and since after work was going to be the last time I was going to get to see him in a while I had to get it done. It was written for him. His name is Brad.

This story is completely fictional, though it uses people I know in real life. (It is similar to that story Daria had to write in The Write Stuff.)

This story may resemble events that you may or may not recognize. I did this on purpose. It is completely fictional even though you may think you've heard of something before. It's a little longer than most of my other short stories, but I like it.

This story literally came out of nowhere. I couldn't sleep one night and I was up and this just fell onto the page. The character of Kris is loosely based upon KRYStAL harris, but it's not her. This story is truly about discovery and confusion. I hope I portrayed that well enough.

This story was inspired by experiences on a yearbook staff. It is completely fictional.

This story is loosely based on the Dido song of the same name. I was going to have this be a Bacsktreet Boys fic, but as I was listening to the song, it just didn't seem to work that way. The song is more of a story in itself and that it doesn't need much more than what I said in this story.

This is a non-fiction tale of my life in recent times. Everything you read in it is true. It really happened. In it, I disclose who I really am.

The last update took place on: April 3, 2002. Email me.

Becca's Stories Home/Backstreet Stories/The Truth & The Shadows/Supergirl Slash
Pen & Paper/Hosted Fiction/The Poetry Project