Amigo sites to seeWrestling Stuff:KAMIKAZE'S Theater: REBIOWEAPON'S Arcade: Chatroom: The Rabbi's Thoughts:
People have seen the Amigo's page
We are also intrested in the movie "A Night at The Roxbury." We will also have information regarding our two favorite brothers, the Butabi's and even info on "Saturday Night Live." We'll have a movie's link where we'll keep you updated on current movies, ratings, our own reviews, and upcomming films. Finally, we plan to have a video game section for reviews, codes, and upcomming games mostly for the Playstation but we will include those other systems also. We wan to get a chatroom system on here soon if we cam figure out how. If it's on here already, then that's gravy, but if isn't, come back and check it out again. We'll figure it out eventually. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can either put them in our guest book or e-mail us at This page will be updated on a weekly basis and please don't forget to sign the guestbook. We want to know if this is a cool sight or if we're wasting our time so, please give some feedback. So sit down, shut up, and hold on to your seats, because this is.. THE AMIGO'S HOMEPAGE!!!