"You don't stop laughing cause you grow old;
You grow old cause you stop laughing!"

Here's a list of all the humor I've come across and then some!

Before you proceed I have to ask one small tiny favor of ya...
that you take one of these short Quizzes:

The Uptight Bitch Calculator
The Chauvinist Pig Calculator

After taking the quiz your free to roam the room.
Happy Trails to y'all!!

If nothing here makes you crack!?!?
May I suggest the site down the hall..

Catering to all your STOIC needs!!

Hey if you don't find anything here try out the Humor Search Below:

Daily Guide to Humor on the Net
Updated Daily

All sortsa humor here ~ for the easily amused!

Collection of weird wacky and bizzare, but Real advertisements signs and labels

Craziest Sites List

GaGirl's Personality Quizzes Fun quizzes lots of different topics to choose

Ummm if there are any stoic's in the room I suggest you pass this one by.
Scroll down for some non~stoic music wavs!!

The Cyber Circus: Everyone LOVES the circus!

The Fart Farm: Well ummm... what can I say? Its here for your listening pleasure, if that's your sorta thing!

Rectal Foreign Bodies
Amasing!!! True stories!!

Strange and Foreign Objects in Dog Feces?¿

Everyone has to have a webpage these days

even GOD!!

Please check back!!!
New links added daily

This chick doesn't have enuff time to check for broken links,
so if ya happen across any,
feel free to help a chick out and email me
OR if ya think you've got a funny wierd or wacky site to add here, let me know!

\\ Battle of the Cybersexes //\\ Home //\\ Email Fun! //\\ Poetry //\\ Friends & Links //\\ Music //\\ My State //

This Humour Ring site
owned by Aries.

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There have been
laughaholics here since 5/26/98 Oh ummm and a few unseen stoics, who've left abruptly!