Mailing List

Upcoming Releases:

Click on the release to get more info. If I'm missing anything, email me.

- Fueled By Ramen (015)

1.Forever Family, 2.Fuel, 3.FM, 4.Dirty Faces, 5.Mr. Bowling, 6.Wasteland, 7.Broadway, 8.Bottlecaps, 9.St. Marks, 10.MCA, 11.Shovel, 12.Costello, 13.Hate Mail, 14.Tommy Gunn, 15.Spite, 16.Mary, 17.Baker St., 18.Efforts Wasted, 19.Crash, 20.My Style?

- Whitehouse Records

1. Forget Today Forget Tomorrow, 2. MCA, 3. Shovel, 4. Vengeance, 5. Haywire, 6. Cast No Shadows, 7. F.M., 8. Radio Sad Song, 9. Erica, 10. Broadway, 11. Wave of Destruction, 12. Forever Family, 13. Long Distance - Please, Please everyone who hasn't gotten this cd yet, get it, its awesome, and plus Adam the guy who put this cd out went through a lot of trouble to get it out for us, So please contact him at WhitehousR@aol.com.

Efforts Wasted - Demo, Self Released

FM, Costello, Bottlecaps, Tommy Gunn, Dirty Faces, Tommy Gunn, Efforts Wasted, Mary - That's the exact order, and let me tell you this demo kicks major ass, the sound quality is pretty good, and the songs sound so much better then the versions on bitter tongues, the guitar and lyrics are different on must of the songs, if you can find a copy of this get it, or email me and well talk.

- Self Released

1.MCA, 2.Shovel, 3.FM, 4.Bottlecaps, 5.Broadway (Acoustic)

- Fueled By Ramen

1.Burning Bridges, 2.Fairweather, 3.Open Ended, 4.Something More, 5.In the City, 6.Just what I needed

- Snuffy Smiles

1.Fuel, 2.Shovel (Acoustic)

- Fueled By Ramen

Given out for free on LTJ 98 Tour. Includes Ann Beretta, Discount, Less Than Jake, ALL, Snuff, and Mad Caddies

- Possible Problem Records

This is a compilation to benefit People Against Racist Terror. Ann Beretta does "In The City." Other bands are Discount, Sublime, The Pietasters, J Chruch, and The Instigators.

- Renienforcement Records/Umbilical Records

1.Big Wig - "Your In Sample", 2.30 Foot Fall - "People Are Stupid", 3.Propagandhi - "I Was A Pre-Teen McCarthyist", 4.The Abducted - "Nobody Wants You Around & I Don't Wanna Hear It", 5.The Nobody's - "I Hate It", 6.Violent Society - "Can't Stop You", 7.Billyclub - "Blitz", 8.The Undead - "There's A Riot In Thompkins Square", 9.Anti-flag - "I Don't Wanna Be Like You (Live)", 10.Santa's Dead - "Something In The Way", 11.The Vapids - "Waiting For June", 12.Carbona - "Norma Jean", 13.Tinkle - "Runaway", 14.The Weakerthans - "Diagnosis", 15.Shaft - "Rubber Band", 16.Mohawk Barbie - "Darby Had A Mullet", 17.Gob - "You're Too Cool", 18.The Thumbs - "Looking For The Cure", 19.Shyster - "Follow", 20.Middle Finger - "A Ferret Named Schick", 21.The Supaflies - "Milk", 22.Catch-22 - "As The Footsteps Die Out Forever", 23.Heft - "Snot Rocket", 24.The Jerkoffs - "Up In Smoke", 25.Lipmonger - "Capture The Flag", 26.Moral Crux - "Strange World", 27.Humble Beginnings - "Activate", 28.Ann Beretta - "Hate Mail", 29.The Frantics - "Peer Pressure", 30.Reagan Squad - "Stand Out", 31.The Goons - "Breakdown", 32.The Suspects - "New Dawn In The 21st Century"

- Go Kart Records

1.The Bouncing Souls - "Punk Uprisings Theme Song", 2.97a - "Always There", 3.Against All Authority - "Hard As Fuck", 4.A.C. - "I Got An Office Job With The Sole Purpose Of Harrassing You", 5.Ann Beretta - "Shovel", 6.Anti-Flag - "Indie Sux, Emo Sux, Hardline Sux, You Suck", 7.Anti-Heroes - "Carte Blanche For Chaos", 8.Atom And His Package - "Punk Rock Academy", 9.The Boils - "Anthem For This Generation", 10.Boiling Man - "What We Do", 11.The Bruisers - "Intimidation '97", 12.Buzzov*en - "Plow", 13.Cancerous Reagans - "Fight The Right", 14.Catharsis - "Bow Down", 15.Discount - "Clap And Cough", 16.Disenchanted - "Brand New Day", 17.Dissucks - "Punx in Pampers", 18.Ensign - "Where Did We Go Wrong", 19.H20 - "Universal Language", 20.Hate O Four - "All My Sons", 21.I Farm - "Young Republican", 22.In/Humanity - "Against All Youth", 23.I HATE YOU. - "The Prime Detective", 24.In My Eyes - "Courage to Care", 25.Kill The Man Who Questions - "Your Backlash Against a PC Hysteria is a Fucking Joke", 26.Kill Your Idols - "Words Without Actions", 27.Latex Generation - "21 (Of Age)", 28.Lifetime - "Young, Loud, and Scotty", 29.Lunachicks - "Superstrong", 30.The Neurotiks - "Scars", 31.Nine Lives - "Paperboy", 32.Plan A Project - "Jesse Helms", 33.Rizzo Machine - "Philly Shreds Gang War", 34.The Shoplifters - "What Does It Take", 35.The Skabs - "I Love Me", 36.Snapcase - "She Suffocates", 37.Submachine - "Fight", 38.Time Bomb 77 - "Politicians", 39.Time Flies - "Play The Fool"

- Asian Man Records

Features Discount, Fun Size, and AB does Efforts Wasted.

Cooler Than Your Mom - Drive-Thru Records

Disc One - 1.The Pharmaceutical Bandits - "Teen Idol", 2.Riverfenix - "Philosophy", 3.Last Summer - "This Looks Like A Good Spot" (Demo), 4.Mothermania - "Community Service" (Demo), 5.Unleaded Plus - "Schmuck" (Demo), 6.Allister - "X-Girlfriend", 7.Mineral - "Parking Lot", 8.Everready - "Bleach Banquet", 9.COED - "Unlucky", 10.The Shrooms - "Her Only Friend", 11.Frenzal Rhomb - "There's Your Dad", 12.Bloodhound Gang - "Yellow Fever", 13.Chumbawumba "Mouth Full Of Shit", 14.Shower With Goats - "Just Another Day", 15.Jefferies Fan Club - "Rolled", 16.Teen Heroes - "Radio Listener", 17.Whippersnapper - "Wrong Or Right", 18.Blindspot - "Accerleration Zero", 19.Decepticonz - "Sandra", 20.Racketball - "Nothing More Important", 21.Kottonmouth Kings - "Life Ain't What It Seems", 22.Plastilina Mosh - "Mr. P.Mosh", 23.The Hippos - "Please", 24.Ann Beretta - "Mr. Bowling"

Disc Two - 1.Parasites - "Sunnyside", 2.Lunachicks - "Throwing It Away", 3.Ditch Bank Oakies - "Parricide", 4.Mulch - "Hand It Over", 5.Don Knotts Overdrive - "Snowball", 6.Bonafide - "Butternut", 7.Skeletones - "She's Alright", 8.Vitamin L - "Seeing Red", 9.Cocksparer - "Rats Out", 10.The Enkindels - "Monsters", 11.Ink & Dagger - "Vampire Fast Code", 12.Novacaine NP9 - "Million Miles", 13.The Amazing Royal Crowns - "Do The Devil", 14.Welt - "Lazy", 15.Zebrahead - "Check", 16.Stinkaholic - "Out To Get Me", 17.Belvedere - "Circus", 18.Ferd Mert - "Square Peg In A Round Hole", 19.Vet Flashbax - "Character Assassination", 20.The Decapitones - "Buckle Up", 21.Supernovice - "Nothing Left", 22.The Erratics - "Grain Of Sand", 23.Psychotica - "Ding Dong Dead", 24.Liquid Spider Station - "Trust"

Features Discount, The Thumbs, Crispus Atticus and AB does MCA. Discount track is Robbie and Allison (Discount) doing a song that they wrote together.