I had such hopes for this page; to put up some fiction, to use it for brilliant social insight, or just for the sake of having yet another page. Turns out it's mostly a .gif archive. However, for better or worse, here is what is available on this site:

The Dracula 97 convention report!

Have a look at my award-winning Poem, Dracula Versified

I'm trying to accumulate THE definitive archive of bat/vampire/related uncopyrighted gifs. Have a look at the Gif Archive , and let me know both what you think and if you have any additional gifs, jpegs, lines, backgrounds, etc. to add.

I now have a colouring page that you can print out and colour, of Ozark bats! Colouring Page .

A gallery of my artwork from the early 1990's. art gallery

NEW: The "How The Heck Did you get into university" home page. An explanation is on = the page itself.

Some links:

Go to: Oakwoods Home Page

or to

Centre Stage.

. These are both home pages of mine, which is why this is called My Other Home Page (how original); and both have excellent vampire fiction, a few .gifs, and other goodies. Worth looking at!

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