Hello and WELCOME to my graphics collection!!! I hope you enjoy your visit today and find something that touches your heart! I have only one thing to ask of you, should you decide to use any of the graphics or backgrounds contained in this site, PLEASE do not use them in any other collections, or alter them in any way! If you would like something added, or altered to fit YOUR personal site, just email me and we can make some adjustments!
For all of my graphics including backgrounds I have tried VERY HARD to use only copyright FREE graphics found on the net as well as in my CD collections..if you find something here that does not belong due to copyright, PLEASE let me know and I will remove it IMMEDIATELY!!
All of my collection has been made using PaintShop Pro and alot of trial and error!! I have also been fortunate enough to have some wonderful friends who have taken the time to answer my MANY questions! Credits are at the bottom of this page!
I am also making many "ORIGINAL" backgrounds including one for all of us "rubber stampers"!! It is located in the "crafts" section of the backgrounds collection!!
I have provided a "LOGO" as a link button and would appreciate a link back should you choose to use anything from this site.
Also, if you decide to use one of my backgrounds, please let me know! I will add you to my "LINKS" page!!
Ok..now on to the FUN stuff!!! Please enjoy!!! If you have something special you would like for me to work on, just let me know!!
I am PROUD to announce that BJ's Design Shoppe is now listed with GIFPILE!!! Check them out for some great graphics sites!!
I am equally proud to announce we are now listed with 
None of this would have been possible without the CONSTANT encouragement of Quick as a Snail! She is a "TRUE" friend!
My heartfelt THANKS to Chana of Hera Creations for her patient instruction on creating the "BIGGIES"!! Pay her a visit for the most breathtaking backgrounds you will ever see!!