Welcome to my Urban Decay page, I've decided to branch off the pages so that people do not have to wait for the entire deal to load. Enjoy.As most of you know, Urban Decay i s my favorite Cosmetics Company.This is my little "ode" to the fine people @ Urban Decay.
This page is going to get an entire rehaul from top to tails. New scans-reviews and more. In the interim, check out UD's site for the new spring line.
Check out the new goods for the winter season.Oi! There is now available foundation and concealer especially brilliant because the concealer comes with a green tint which is helpful for taming redness.
New UD stuff @ their site! Check it out plus rehauled old polish Some new products are: Stalker shadow: Purplish and lightly glittery, applies
quite sheerly and because of the blue tone would look
good virtually on any skin tone.
Area 51 Lipgunk: I love lipgunk, perhaps more so than
straight up lipstick, this is a gorgeous glittery
That's not all though,check out Urban Decay for new product information.
from l. to r. Twisted Sister, Cult, Kiss, AC/DC & Twisted Sister.
I've a page that goes on to talk about what would be my dream tie in, a BtVS related product procured by Urban Decay; to take look at the page click here.
Check out new Skitz-o-Styx lipsticks that are double sided. A la "The Wedding Singer" lipstick. These are more varied and from one tube you can get three different looks. These run $14.00 a pop and are currently all in stock. By the way the Wedding Singer lippy is quite akin to the lipstick Crime, so if you are having trouble locating the Wedding Singer lipstick, there's a suitable alter- native.AC/DC one side is metallic violet while the other side is a silver with a light lilac tinge. Agony/Extacy a neutral purple metallic with the flip side being metallic beige. Crime/Punishment Opaque cranberry, opposite side is sheer cranberry. Gorgeous! Jekyl/Hyde I love this one.Beige frost and a reddish brown. Manic/Depressive Candy red with an opposite side of glittery candy colored red. Pleasure/Pain Rose-y brown with a gold rosy shimmer. I have Pleasure/Pain, it's gorgeous I wear it every other day, it's really has me sold, you can vary the look in so many ways, by applying one or both sides lightly or heavily. Recommended colour.
It has come to my attention that the following colors have been discontinued. Acid Rain, Asphalt, Gangrene, Oilslick, Ozone, Rat, Salmonella, Smog, and Vapor. These shades are discontinued in polish form only. Example, you can still purchase Rat in shadow form and Oilslick in a lipstick etc. But if you are desperate for these shades you can buy a few of them still via Newbury Comic's site.
Last fall's shades! To see pictures, look through the new Teen People,Y&M and the old Elle (US edition w/Laetitia on cover). There is, Metropolitan, which looks like a sheer burgandy with blue and pink glitter, Hammersmith (In Polish, Lipstick and Body Haze) which is a rich burgandy and appears rich perhaps glittery. Scans forthcoming. Metropolitan & Hammersmith avail. September. Urban F/X a clear base polish is avail @UD's site and to order as of now. Also check out tie in (w/Gravity Kills) polish Perv- ersion (scroll for pic). Pervesion (in hest of the now defunct Oilslick and Gangrene) is my favourite enamel.
Urban F/X Polish.
ABC Gum Polish.
Hammersmith, in polish,lipstick and body haze.
S&M Polish.
Wende Zomnir of Urban Decay.
The Todd Oldham Polishes can now be bought seperately.
Close up of Metropolitan polish.
Lip Gunk in Fluorescent.
Spring Line Polishes.
From Left to Right, Meltdown,Flourescent,Snow and Cash. Meltdown is a deep purple with a royal blue sheen. Flourescent is a whitish polish with a light pink and blue sheen. Snow is a silver based polish with a buttery golden sheen. Cash is a light sheer green. One question, Snow? yellow? Dag....leave it to Urban Decay for the hardcore. Thanks go to Rob for sending me the information and polishes my way, you rock bells.
Also new for spring is Gash in the form of Lip Gunk. The popular deep red works well in this thick soft gloss. The formula is good and stays put once applied.
Movie Tie Ins Scream.
Made for the cast of Scream to wear to the movie premiere.
Not a movie tie in, but one with the indust- trial band Gravity Kills, it's called Perversion.
I don't know where to put this, it is new and I'm unsure of it's name, it says Abs Lit on the bottle in marker, I'm sure it's fresh and to look out for it in the future, it looks to have Absinthe's base color with fine glitter in it.
The Wedding Singer.
This lipstick was created with Drew Barrymore for the movie "The Wedding Singer" w/Adam Sandler. The lipstick is a brown based cranberry that is one one side matte and on the other shiny. Some of the profits from this lippy go towards two of Barrymore's favorite charities, The Wildlife Way Station and the Female Health Foundation. The matte side works well for a lipliner to apply before the shiny side.
The Big Lebowski "Dude"
Dude (The Big Lebowski) is a teal glitter in a clear base. Check out the tag promotion for the new movie by the Coen Bros. of Fargo fame.
Hostage aka High, A Life Less Ordinary.
Hostage (A Life Less Ordinary) is also known as High, I don't know if this was a mistake in packaging but the polishes are one in the same. This is a thick silver based color that is a heavy baby blue.This was of course made for "A Life Less Ordinary" with Cameron Diaz and Ewan MacGregor.
UD 40
Also there is this flashy new UD-40 gel stuff, which is supposedly not unlike hair mascara, that and body shine are it's main toutable...but, the packaging frightens me, do those not look like "Tickle" deodorant tubes? Oi, yet again betraying my age...that and reffering to "Tickle" in any sort of seriousness.
Absinthe,Ozone and Violence.
Absinthe makes the heart grow stronger...anyhow dig out this minty silver shade. Ozone, the quick dry lacquer. Violence the silvered lilac.
S&M the new fall shade. This picture is from last month's Elle (US Edition) with Laetitia on the cover. There is a picture of Wende Zomnir and and article about this polish from inception to creation and the processes involved developing polishes.
Click Here For The full (current) list of Urban Decay Line products available with text descriptions. Easy if you find the wait for the scan too long.Click Here For An actual scan of the UD product w/price list. Please note, this bad boy takes a while to load, so run to the bog, get a coffee, put on a record.....
Click Here For Actual scans of the polishes, your monitor wont show the depth of the shades, but it gives you a good representation of what you can get. There are some that aren't included.
Click Here For A listing of the new spring UD goods. This info is from the mouths of UD themselves. Thanks again for passing the info along!.
Remember, this is a fan based page, which I made. I'm not getting paid for it. Or do I work for these companies, although if I was asked, I'd hit that action straightaway.
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