If any of the videos or music on this page doesn't work for you, than you need to download one of the two following programs:
- Michael Jordan Video (quicktime)
- MJ's best and last shot
- Stone Temple Pilots - Creep Video (quicktime)
- Stone Temple Pilots - Big Empty Video (quicktime)
- Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song Video (quicktime)
- Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline Video (quicktime)
- Now why did these guys have to break up?
- Rage Against the Machine - Bulls on Parade Video (quicktime)
- Rage Against the Machine - People of the Sun Video (quicktime)
- What a band.
- Live - Lakini's Juice Video (real video file)
- Sounds like a scary song, but it's still great.
- Beastie Boys - Intergalactic Video (real video file)
- Cool video, even though it's a little crazy.
- Reel Big Fish - Sell Out Video (real video file)
- Reel Big Fish - The Set Up Video (real video file)
- This group is always so upbeat. The second song is from their new CD. It's pretty good if you haven't heard it yet.
If you are looking for full length music videos, this place has about every one imaginable.
Real Audio and Other Files
- Pearl Jam - Jeremy (real audio file)
- Pearl Jam - Evenflow (real audio file)
- Pearl Jam - Daughter (real audio file)
- Pearl Jam - Dissident (real audio file)
- Pearl Jam - Corduroy (real audio file)
- Pearl Jam - Who You Are (real audio file)
- Pearl Jam - I Got Id (real audio file)
- What can I say, they are my favorite band. Too bad they stopped making videos after their first album. I would have a bunch of them on here.
Mp3 Files
I am unfortunately able to supply my own Mp3 files or links because they take up more file space than I have and plus that takes the credit away from the people who made the mp3s. But not to worry. The links below are amazing.
First, if you haven't already, get WinAmp the most popular Mp3 player. Then use one of the searches below. One more thing. I just figured out why most of the links to mp3 files don't seem to work. For many of them you need to have an FTP program. If you need one, you can download CuteFTP for free. Happy music hunting!
Mp3 Box Music Search:
Just type the a song or band name and bam! You've got free music.
Audio Galaxy Mp3 Search:
If you have any problems or questions please emailme. Good luck.
These are my favorite two Mp3 search engines. They will give you links to all the places to download a Mp3 file from any band. These files are so good, it's like listening to the CD and they take up much less space than a typical wav file. Get all your favorite songs now. Best of all, IT'S FREE!
Midi Files
Like the Mp3 files above, I think it is wrong for me to take credit for the many people who created these great Midi files. So I have added probably the best MIDI search engine I know of. This search should find you just about any Midi file you need. If you don't know what Midi files are, they are the very small lower quaility music files that are easily playable on web pages, like this one. They don't have voices, but are still cool.
Hey, listening to all of this great music could really make you want to purchase the CD. You can do it here:
Play Trivia Blitz For Prizes - Test your general trivia knowledge against the clock to win Weekly Prizes!
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