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WELCOME TO THE CDA ONLINE COMMUNITIES! A Dedicated Endeavor Since 1994 Our Ongoing Causes? CLICK HERE!
The Celestial Defender Association (CDA) is a public Arts and Entertainment organization that is based around positive contemporary media appreciation; along with invaluable Humanitarian services. Our civil Humanities network features FREE Online meetings, non-Online assemblies, movie screenings, Anime, open gaming channels, prize Contests, business discounts, multiple public outlets, and more! Born in 1984, the CDA is also a not-for-profit community circle (for ages 12 to 90-plus) developed for both the busy and evolving world of TODAY! To this end, all of our assembly doors are ALWAYS open to ALL groups and individuals who have even the slightest interest in positive contemporary media and/or giving back to those in need! And, BEST of all, all of our non-Online multimedia events are ALWAYS non-obligation sessions! VARIOUS CDA MEDIA INTERESTS INCLUDE: Anime, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Bubblegum Crisis, Dr. Who, Eleventh Hour, Fringe, Ghost In The Shell, gothic horror, Heroes, Lord Of The Rings, Lost, Red Dwarf, Robotech, Star Trek, Star Wars, super-heroes, The X-Files, gaming channels (Ex. Board, Card, RPG & Video), the Diablo series, the Unreal Tournament series, and more! OUR FREE ONLINE MEETING TIMES ARE: The second Sunday of each month. 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM Central Time. (No confirmation necessary. See our new Newsletter.) OUR FREE NON-ONLINE ASSEMBLY LOCATION IS: The All Saints Church, 4060 North 26th Street, Milwaukee, WI. 53209 (Confirmation necessary. Please e-mail us.) OUR FREE NON-ONLINE ASSEMBLIES COMMONLY INCLUDE: Contests, outings, movies, open gaming, videos and/or more! OUR NON-ONLINE ASSEMBLY FEE IS: Free! The CDA is a non-profit "communities" organization. However, new toys, non-perishables and other donations are HIGHLY welcomed. CONTACT SOURCES INCLUDE: (NAME) Mr. John K.E. Reed, CEO; (HEADQUARTERS) 3832 West Nash Street, Lower, Milwaukee, WI. 53216; (E-MAIL) Interested in the CDA? Then, please e-mail us to confirm your personal attendance of one of our non-online CDA meetings. And, thank you for taking an interest in all of our public efforts! -The CDA. "Humanities For The Busy And Evolving World Of Today!" [Humbly featured in Marquis Who's Who 1997-2008 Editions]
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The CDA Online's Humanitarian cause is year around! Click on our Pamphlet for the LATEST details! ![]() View Or Print The CDA's Humanitarian Mini-Flyers! HERE! ** Also, e-mail us to help donate in the Midwest USA, today! ** Or, contribute directly to the CDA Online and help to keep MANY communities going... Previous Recipients Of CDA Donations? CLICK HERE! ![]()