Websites That Will Touch Your Heart

Ever Come Across a Homepage, That Touches your heart so much, while looking for things, and come across a Medical story that overwhelmed your heart and didn't book mark it??
Well, if you have me Bookmarked, and you find a site that just is Truly Beautiful, and Has a personal MEDICAL related side to it.?? Within the Homepages, you will find on the next pages, there are stories that will Touch your Heart and are being noticed.

If you Find a Homepage that fits this, then by all means send me the url and I will link it here. Mail to Shari On the Following Pages, The sites that were submitted can be found.


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Please Enter the information as you would like it posted regarding The Website (Please include as much information as possible= MUST BE MEDICAL RELATED!!)

What URL is this website Located at?? (url means the http://www.etc..)ADD ADDITONAL COMMENTS if Necessary Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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**Can be located in my main Site, under Graphic Credits**