Websites That Will Touch Your Heart and Help us Learn and Understand (part 2)

Dana's Memory
Diagnosing Dana

Memories of my daughter, Dana, who died at the age of 15 from infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy,
a rare hereditary disease. poems, stories and angels. Life with a wonderful child who just happened to have a disability...

Linda Jackson is 35 years old and is fighting melanomic cancer and systemic lupus.
Please visit the page created for her at: Linda Jackson

Again, please visit and do what you can if possible.
Thank You,
Officer Jeff Roach,
Friendswood PD, Texas, USA

My Lovely Friend Breezy, has a wonderful Sight regarding
Spinal Cord Injury/Dysfunction Information Station

Full Moon Graphics
Kitty has a fabulous site!! she offers outstanding orginal art and graphics free to sites! she also has virtual hugs and bumper stickers. perhaps the most touching part is her poetry section. Here she shares her struggles with depression and other problems. The poetry is accentuated by her beautiful artwork and imaginative backgrounds! she is a real jewel!!!! love her to death!

***NOTE, PIANO DANCER SITE MOVED**** Will update soon!!!!
PianoDancer's Music Room
Her courageous story of her struggle with brain damage after a suicide attempt! Also, Piano Dancers Touching Site is about Child Molestation and Survival.

Her Dreaming is a site for women who have survived physical, emotional, or sexual abuse as a child. It seeks to offer a safe place to explore the pains of the past, to experience the hopes and fears of the present, and to share the dreams of growth, healing, and a full life in the future.

Mary's House
Collection of stories from diabetics and their loved ones discussing how diabetes affects their lives.

A Journey to Hydrocephalus These pages are going to take you on a journey to Hydrocephalus. What's that you ask. Well it's water on the brain. My daughter has this. First I will be telling you her story. Next,I will be doing it through pictures and captions. I hope to provide you with some links too so that you may have some help, if you too are go this journey or know someone that is.

Ditie's Angel Heaven
Angels,Poetry,Gardens, Breastcancer support, Prayers, Lots of great pictures and stories

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Background by Marvelicious
**All my credits links are on this page**