Out of the Box - Number 1 for the Korg Pandora PX-1 and PX-2

Ladies and Gentlemen - Out of the Box!

Last update : 24/10/99

Update : I've been going through my mails and I'm started to add Patches I've been sent. Many apologies to people who have sent me stuff over the past 12 months but I've been snowed under with personal issues. The pages should be updated fully over the next few months.

Patch Archives

  • Click Here for the PX-1 Patch Archive
  • Click Here for the PX-1 Presets
  • Click Here for the PX-2 Patch Archive
  • PX-2 Presets

  • Articles

    The following articles are available for your perousal :

  • Gigging with the Korg Pandora by Helmut Reininger
  • The Pitchshifter Values Explained
  • Artist Emulation With the PX-1
  • Artist Emulation With the PX-2
  • Click here for reviews of the PX-2

  • Downloads

  • A spreadsheet packed full of Pandora related stuff
  • Many thanks to Don Haskins for the spreadsheet!


    Here are some Pandora related links

    Sending me Stuff

    If you want to send me some patches, tips, articles, etc just click here.

    Please Don't Mail Me Asking For Pandora Manuals. I've actually lost my own and I would be falling foul of Copyright Law if I did send them. Try getting in contact with your local Korg Dealer

    This page would not be possible without you guys and girls out there. When I started this page back in January (or was it February?) 1997, I never knew that there were so many people out there with these little boxes. Many thanx to every one who has contributed. Also many thanx to everyone who has suggested something.

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