Last Updated

11:15 A.M.

June 22, 1998
Phantom X's comments updated. Newsboard updated daily.

Links to other parts of my page

My Dusty Rhodes Interview page: Come here for a Clubberin!!!
Wrestler's Real Names: Click here to see the real names of your favorite wrestlers(Courtesy of The Great Hisa's Peurosu Dojo.)
Picture Page: Click here to see some of my favorite pictures
Opinion Page: Go here to express your opinions
The Raw/Nitro report: Come here to see what happened on the hottest night of the week!
Guestbook Page: Got something to say? Say it here!
Ric Flair Interview: My Tribute to Arn Anderson(Courtesy of DDT Digest)
My Links: Links to other wrestling sites
Phantom X's Wrestling Newsboard: Whenever there is news fit to print, put it here!

Things you will never hear around your office's water cooler!

Phantom X's Comments for June 22nd

There is something in the air. Something that has called me back to do this page. I haven't updated in three months, an eternity on the internet. The Real Audio show is gone, because it sucked. I will be putting more things on this page, such as a Rant Page, sound of the week, stuff like that. The reason I update on a sporadic basis during the school year is that my education is more important to me than some page that gets 10 visits a day. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the summer wrestling season. I'll be your tour guide. Oh, one last item, I have a big surprise coming in July, so stay tuned. This is Phantom X, slowly fading into the darkness.......

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