The Imperial Space Marines

There he is, Commander Dante himself. Lord of the Blood Angels, one of the many Space Marin chapters in the 40k universe. The Space Marines tend to always be outnumbered. This is do to the fact that they are a very high point cost. So u must choose carefully, and make good moves on the battlefield. I suggest always use a pysker. pyskik powers can help u win in the long run. Machine curse renders a Dreadnoght, or tank useless, it can't move or fire until the power is nullified. Level 4 pyskers, such as Njal Storm caller are a good thing to have, he has strentgh 9 hits!! I also recommend Dreadnoghts, I always use my Blood Angel Dreadnoght, Multi-Melta and powerr fist :) Dreadnoghts can give u a upper hand in battle, use their armor and weapons to thge maximum. Charge them up the middle, and take the enemy flanks out with fast moving bike squads, or land speeders. Be carful with bikes, even though they are fast, their armor value is only 10. Land speeders are the bomb, use these guys to go behind enemy lines and destroy mission objectives, or destroy flanking units. special Characters are always good, but be warned, if the die your oppenent gets a easy 2 to 3 Victory points. Tanks are good for holding mission objectives with, devistater squads are also a good defending unit. Use assult squads to jump in hand to hand combat with the enemy, send them in first, have them supported by a group of terminaters, assult cannons are real good for clearing a area out. thats all for now.