Poetry and Ponderings

How Wise Are You?

Do you know your own mind, and what it can do?
You don't have to worry, to fret and to stew.
You can set a new goal; aim straight as you please;
And you don't even need to get down on your knees.
For this skill's built on Faith in the Power Above -
This skill's built-in steam is the Power of Love.
The techniques can be learned in tried and true ways;
and their benefits grow to the end of your days.
Why not be a success at whatever you choose?
It's just as simple to win as to lose.
You won't go it alone - that isn't The Plan -
For those on the Way will give you a hand
To help you along, so they go on, too.
And then you're expected to reach around you,
And help out the ones you see coming behind;
For love grows as we grow, runs right down the line.
BUT, it all starts with you - with you and no other.
Are you willing to try to love one another?
by Raymond d'Avalon

The New Age
by Raymond d'Avalon

The Age of Pisces was foretold
Among the ancients long ago.
The New Age also was begun
By others, who have left the Sun
To help us now on this old Earth
To see Aquarius at its birth.
The signs of times are meant to show
The Wise Ones, who'll be sure to know
If they expose themselves to thoughts
Conducive to it -- most will not.

The work is now for those who plan
To stay upon this lovely land
Until the day it blasts away
Into the void - another Day.
This world of Christ's we're living on
Aspires to be another Sun,
A home of worth for Christ, the King,
And all the wise ones in his ring
The time is now for those who see
A glimpse of their eternity.

The Way
by Raymond d'Avalon

The Man in the Morning is talking to you.
He is teaching and telling you what you should do.
He showing the Way that is proved, tried and true.
Yes, the Man in the Morning is talking to you.

He has told you your body is one of a kind -
That it serves as a Temple in Time for your mind.
If you care for it wisely, you surely will find
You're ahead of the masses of all humankind.

When your Temple is strong, then the mental can grow.
There is nothing you wanted to know, you can't know.
When you've practiced the Ways that are given to show
You the fields in your mind that are ready to sow.

He has told you, each morning, to rise with the Sun,
To the water that't living, to go, everyone;
And breathe in Golden Sunshine that's sent to each one -
You partake of the Gifts from Celestial Ones.

Every day you must try to be ever at Peace,
For peace in this in this world gives the mind it's release
To fly high in the sky like the migrating geese -
There is nothing more treasured than true inner peace.

He has told you there's nothing new under the Sun -
That you must have a problem to think, if you'd run
On the Pathway of Puzzles - to guide you along,
You must read words of wisdom, from wise older ones.

You must meditate daily on goodlier things -
Clear your mind of the rush with emotional rings.
Fill your head with sweet thought so your spirit can sing,
And happiness to you, your life will then bring.

Yes, the Man in the Morning is talking to you.
He is teaching and telling you what you should do.
He showing the Way that is prove, tried and true.
But, as always, the DOING is left up to you.

At the end of your Life
the only things you will take with you are your memories.
And the only regrets you will have
are the opportunities that you passed by.
Eli, the Teacher

It is important to live as if we are always on the eve
of a great discovery, and prepare to welcome it as completely,
intimately and ardently as we can. Maeterlinck

"All that it takes for Evil to triumph in the world
Is for Good Men to do nothing." Author unknown

Welcome to the World
by Diogenes MacLugh

Welcome to the world,
You who have just opened your eyes.
There's a lot of life ahead of you,
Around every bend a surprise.
The hardest part is over now,
You're born alive and free.
The darkness of of your Mother's womb
No longer gives security.

Once upon a time the Darkness
Was the only world you could know,
But once you get into the Light,
You'll be amazed at how fast you can grow.
You're a child, a living Child of the Universe.
Aint it wild? God knows how far you can go!

Now you're on the Road,
There are so many folks to meet along the Way.
They have many things to tell you
So remember every word they have to say.
Keep your mind straight ahead,
So you won't forget the Way.
Know for yourself what it True
And you won't be led astray
You're a child, A living Child of the Universe.
Ain't it wild? God knows how far you can go!

Keep your senses open
To the nature of the world inside your head.
You have many friends coming behind you
And many more up ahead.
You are a child, a living Child of the Universe.
Ain't it wild? God knows how far you can go!
God knows how far you can go.


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