Any of the few people visiting this page that actually KNOW me, you know I'm a HUGE cat person.  They're just the absolute perfect pet.  I hope to have several when I get a place of my own.  In the meantime, at least I have my one great cat.  Chessipeake, named after both the bay (where my dad grew up) and for the railroad line, whose slogan stated that the ride on their line was so peaceful and quiet, it wouldn't even wake a kitten.  The kitten that they used as their mascot looked pretty much exactly like our kitten, so we named her in honor...  She can be a bit moody to those she doesn't know, hence one of her nicknames, "Shredder", but once she knows you, she'll warm up, and be sweet and cute...  Independant and self-reliant as any cat (probably moreso), but I love her anyways...  Now that her older age has calmed her down a bit, I have less bleeding cuts...  A definate plus...  But she's great, don't get me wrong...

Awww...  So cute as a kitten!

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