Cheese Making
Cooking & Food
General Livestock
Cows & Cattle
Llamas & Alpacas
Gardens and Such
Fun Things!
Homesteading Homepages
Homesteading-Useful Sites
Magazines &
Catalogs & Suppliers
Page Making Hints &
Romney Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
Sheep Industry Association
Jacob Sheep Breeders
The American
Jersey Cattle Association
Fias Co Farm
At Fias Co Farm we concentrate on homesteading, raising quality
LaMancha dairy goats, cheesemaking and graphic design. Our Web page
contains information on all these subjects, recipes, "how-tos" and
New England
Cheese Supply
An on line catalog of all cheese making supplies, including
cultures, presses, kits, recipes and lots more.
The internet cheese information resource.
Real California
Cheese making site, Check out the virtual tour for cheese making.
The taste of the Web, searchable recipes from Gourmet and Bon
Appetit, one of my favorite places.
Ice Cream Parlor
A place dedicated to frozen desserts of all kinds, lots of recipes
(even Butter Pecan!)
Kitchen Link -Jams, Jellies, Preserving
Slews of links and recipes about storing, and preserving
foods. Lots of recipes for using garden produce, such as
fruit and herbal vinegar, sauces, dressings and more.
Food for Real People
How about a recipe a day? Real Food will e-mail you a favorite
recipe a day to tickle your taste buds.
100's of mix recipes so you can work up a quick supper after a day
in the garden or on the farm.
Agriculture Farm
and Farming Search Engine
To search on Agriculture related stuff without all the chaff.
Place to see lots of home pages on Agriculture and add yours.
Farm FAQ
List of discussion questions frequently asked about farms, good for
teaching post farm visit.
of Livestock - Oklahoma State University
Extensive information on breeds of cattle, swine, sheep,
goats, horses, poultry, llamas, and other farm animals. Good
pictures and history. Check out the Jacob and Romney sheep
or the Highland and Jersey cattle.
A diversified Jersey farm, worth taking a look.
Lots of information on Ox, Horses, Mules, and Donkeys, and using
them for farming.
Mule Home Page
All you ever wanted to know about mules, history, pictures, and
Ringneck Pheasants
A nearly complete guide to raising and hatching Pheasants.
Fias Co Farm
At Fias Co Farm we concentrate on homesteading, raising quality
LaMancha dairy goats, cheesemaking and graphic design. Our Web page
contains information on all these subjects, recipes, "how-tos" and
Tyny Goat
Lots of information on Pygmy goat raising and innovative ideas
about building feeders, hay racks and salt dispensers.
Chase Tavern
Good information on raising alpacas, many photos, located in Maine.
If you need to identify chicks this is your site, pictures of chicks
will assist you.
Betty Chu's home page
Here is the place for lots of gorgeous English Angoras.
English Angora Resource
A resource for English Angora fanciers loaded with breed info.
The Bunny
Information on Bunnies as pets, lots of links to other bunny
"Tiny R" the Bunny
Cute story about "Tiny R" a little black rabbit that was
found abandoned in the road and found a home.
FishWhistle Farm
A Romney sheep farm in Western Oregon.
Swallow Lane
Farm & Fiberworks
Information on the history of Jacob sheep, raising them and
some pictures of Jacob sheep.
Maine Extension Service Maine Zones
If you are in Maine, this map of Maine hardiness zones is large
enough to see, unlike most of the zone maps where Maine is tucked up
in the corner too small to see.
Lawn Garden
Find out what zone you are in, just pick your state and it will tell
you the zones.
National Arbor Day Foundation
Just input your zip code and this site will give you your zone.
Kitchen Garden
Projects tips and articles for your produce, learn how to make a
garlic braid.
Natural Cotton
Colours Inc
Fox Fibre is the forerunner in growing and using natural colored
Wolves vs Sheep
See if you can get into the hall of fame by placing the wolves and
sheep where the sheep are safe.
Fling the Cow
Cow on a catapult game, see how you score.
Peep Surgery
Ever wonder what happens when those marshmallow "Peeps" get
separated, Well here's your chance to find out!
Catch the leaves
Catch the leaves, see how expert you are at herding a goat around to
eat leaves.
The Carla Emery
Site of the author of The Encyclopedia of Country
Ledgewood Consulting.
Domicile of the Homestead Chat-Room.
Look around at Paul's plans for his new homestead including the
letters about his innovative plan for building his own foraging
grounds. Check out his journal and track his progress on Ledgewood.
Peace and Carrots Farm.
Peace and Carrots Farm was established in 1987. In 1989 the CSA was
started, making it one of the oldest CSA's in Vermont. We are proud
t call ourselves homesteaders. We live in an underground house back
in the woods and utilize a number of alternative systems. I like to
surf the net on cold or rainy days and have quite a collection of
links for you to explore.
Sonrise is a place to relax and read about the homesteader's
lifestyle; there are stores of animals, gardening, and woodworking
with photos.
Thyme for
Ewe Farm
At Thyme for Ewe Farm, located here in Maine, you
will find lots of critters, gardening and workshops to help you
start your homestead.
Beulah Land Soaps
A Cottage industry making Handcrafted Soaps
with Natural Ingredients
Frugal by
A great website devoted to helping you save money, make money, and
stretch the money you already have. Don't forget your free
subscription to Heart & Home newsletter.
State Partners, USDA
Find out about your extension service. Just click on your state and
your homestate extension information will pop up.
Country Side
Promoting self reliance and simple life style with an emphasis on
home food production.
Old time merchandise in endless variety for man and beast.
Lehmans Home
In their own words: "Serving the Amish and others without
electricity with simple products for simple self sufficient living.
Halcyon Yarns
A yarn and supply company right here in Maine, lots of
equipment for weavers, spinners and knitters.
How to Books for Country Living. A good source for
lots of references.
Background Textures Archive 2800+ free Tiling Background Textures
Tired of looking for backgrounds? This page has backgrounds
all indexed, by type and color.
HTML Goodies
So you're trying to build a home page, Huh? Well this is the
place to put your bookmark! This page will help you with
beginning to advanced page building. Many graphics to get you
started, and tutorials to help you finish. Take a look first,
before you get too frustrated.
Don't tell anyone but we love to fly also!
Cessna Home Page
Lots of info on flying and Cessna aircraft.
Continental Motors
JIC, you never know when you might want them.
Add your Homestead Link, please
include a description and the URL, and send to our e-mail address. Thank you.
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