HuggyDi's Place!!!

Hello. This is my first try at a homepage. I have no idea what I am doing here, so don't laugh to hard. Everyone seems to want to know how I got my nick. Let me get that out of the way. My real name is Diane. Many years ago a friend at work started calling me Huggy, cuz I like to hug, and seemed to get hugged alot. My bestest friend Sue calls me Di, (no I am no Lady Di) Someone along the way combined them. The first time I got on the internet I had to pick a nick, so why not my real one. And this is the real me. I am 45 years young. I have two children and 3 grandchildren. I was born and raised in Calif. Have a mommy and daddy of course. 1 sister, 2 brothers. I will add more on family as I build my page. Hey, If I got this far I am sure I can add more. Right? Right! Of course I am gonna add some links, what is page without links? Hmm....I don't know......Maybe a page without links. :o) I will be adding more links and pics of family and friends. (Now watch all my friends hide from me) Just the other day I said I would not EVER, EVER, NO WAY do a homepage. Well, I am hooked! Now watch everyone comes a pic of me.

The things you look for on pages: LINKS See I told you I would add some. :o)

Three handsome boys.
My family
The other people who lived with my Mom & Dad.
Picture of Scout and links to Scout Pages.
BikerSue's Homepage: My BESTEST BESTEST friend.
Her page is cool. Harley's on it.! Lots of other good stuff too. Make sure you visit.
Tim's place: My other best friends page.
Very cool site. Don't waste time click here!
Franci's Homepage
A friend on ICQ. Very nice page,
Plontnikovs Family Home Page
Victor is a good ICQ friend, He is from Russia. He has pics of Russia and more. Take the time to check it out.
Blue Moon Stitches:Brazilian Embroidery
This is my cousin Phyllis's page. If your interested in Brazilian Embroidery this is the place to go.
Dirty Dave's Den
Great page. Has Dale Earnhardt, and Nascar page. Lots more. Great pics of sunsets.
A friend of my daughters page.
Cobra289's World: My ICQ buddy. He is redoing his page and it looks like it will be a great one.
Barbara's Homepage
Barbara is a great email friend. Her page has some beautiful poems that she has written about her walk with God. A must see page.
A great site. Great quotes, poetry, graphics and so much more.
Fun links.
Card, kids, image & clipart and a couple of just because I thought they were great links.
Please sign my guestbook.
It makes me smile. :o) I like advice, but remember to be nice.

If you like to read guest books please read the old one. I have some really dear and special friends in there. I just had to add a new one. Sure looks better than my old one huh? Sure wish I could have done this back than. Hope you enjoyed surfing through my page. I am once again working on it, so please come back. Going to add a page on Scouts for my brother-in-law. Also one for my sis on Brazilian Embroidery. Also got to get my kids on here. More links for kids and cards. Thanks for signing my book.

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