Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Structure functions

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Parton model and Structure Functions
Deep Inelastic Scattering - a simple introduction into physics involved
DIS - several nodes on DIS properties and their experimental verification

  Advanced topics
Parton distributions Calculator - online plotting
Parton distributions - fortran codes of parton distributions in CTEQ, GRV, MRS parameterizatios

DIS - experimental issues
Deep Inelastic Scattering - a simple introduction into physics involved
Diffraction at HERA - experimental perspectives - a wonderful online lecture (though a bit old - 1995) on experimental issues of DIS - hadronic final states, background, uncertainities etc

  Advanced topics
Structure Functions Database - an extensive compilation of numerous experimental measurements of different structure functions and asymmetries
Highlights and open questions from ZEUS - an online lecture on recent results of the ZEUS collaboration

Polarized DIS
RHIC Spin - online slide show on nucleon spin, polarized structure functions, spin crisis, etc.
Quark and Gluon Densities - some pictures and data on recent measurements of polarized structure functions of p, n, and d.

  Advanced topics

Diffractive DIS and small x physics
Color transparency - a page on an interesting prediction of pQCD to be checked soon
Diffraction: QCD effects in color singlet exchange - an online lecture; brief introduction in pomeron exchange mechanics and several experimental issues
Diffractive DIS in QCD: overview - this 40 paged online version of scanned transparencies is your first guide to DIS, diffraction, reggeon and pomeron exchanges, semi-inclusive diffractive processes etc.
  Advanced topics
HD97 - transparencies of the conference "Hard and Soft processes in DIS" (1997), available both in downloadable or online version. The front-end of modern QCD physics!


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