You are visitor number: and it's ok, your not in trouble yet...

These will be your favorite web sites, and links...

TEN assorted links to astonishing resources...: Something about Goldfingers' military experience, and music...
More Resources: More about my music experience, and etc...
If you'r into Money this is for you...: This is very current information about financial stuff...
UNDER Construction, still being designed...: Pending...
Country Fly's Page!: I'm trying to find this and I need your help!
The Home of The FIRST TEAM'S Fraternity.: A briefing re: the First Cavalry Division Association...
A Very Brief 1st. Cav. Div. History...: A scant three sentences about the 1st. Cavalry...
This is the Home of the First Cavalry Division...: Here is the place where you will find the Defenders of Democracy, and the Protectors of our Nation...
The Home of the Seventh Cavalry: This is a fabulous information resource regarding the Cavalry!
The Cantonment, (My temporary home from Jul. 65, to Sept. 66): Our source of light, communications, and advertising...
...another... "man in black": This site is being built...
The Home Page of the 26th. United States Infantry Regiment.: Real Men making history...
If your going to be one, BE A BIG RED ONE!: Fort Riley, Kansas
"...FOLLOW ME..." to the Home Page of the Greatest Army on this Earth!: SOLDERING DON'T GET NO BETTER THAN THIS!
CONTROVERSY is here, DO NOT ENTER if you are faint of heart... Stay away if the truth hurts...: My political place is... (#. 6378): If I were President, American soldiers would fight America's enemies at the border between TEXAS and Mexico, not in BOSNIA, TEXAS!!! The fight is in Texas...
Skysoldier: IN YOUR FACE!!! In her crises, and her hour of need, I did answer her call, I'm:: stumping around, and if you have a desire for a leader with skeletons in the closet, (Like President Clinton, I'm not without flaw...) Please help get me elected, and Call me BIG BOSS MAN!!!
IT's true, I will complain when something ain't right! I'll get in your face, then I'll take action : to change what's wrong, witness this!


This site is under construction please bookmark it and come back often, as I'm not finished with this operation, and it will change from time to time...

If you have suggestions, please feel free to employ these addresses, and write... I'm looking for high power executive administrators, with forceful dominant personalities. Gender, race, kindred, religon, and National origin are not issues that will influence my choice when I fill positions in my cabinet...

It's time for the good old boys and their legal problems to vacate the Capitol City of this great Nation. It's time to pass the management of America on to one who will lift the people. Look inward, protect our children from Legalized, (TAXED) and illegal drugs, It's time to end welfare for big business, Charity begins at home! this is only the beginning, there's much more!!!

James Robert Beaver
BOX 33, Rockland, Delaware 19732-0033
July 1965 to September 1966
Co. D. 15th. T/C. Bn. 1st. Air Cavalry Division, Camp Radcliff, An Khe, RVN. APO 96490
San Francisco, CA. United States of America