WAiB Pages
NEW Coen Souza de Murayama Sensei is the Brazilian spiritual leader of the Comunidade Budista Soto Zenshu da América do Sul in São Paulo, representing the Soto Zen tradition as official missionary. She was ordained by Hakuyu Maezumi Roshi (Zen Center of Los Angeles) and studied 12 years in Japan (Aichi Senmon Nisodo under Aoyama Shundo Roshi, Dharma Transmission from Yogo Suigan Roshi and post-graduate teaching specialization). She is active in inter-religious dialogue, university lectures and conferences, and supervises work with inmates at the State Penitentiary of Carandiru. | Comunidade Budista Soto Zenshu da América do Sul -
Templo Busshinji Rua São Joaquim 285 01508-001 São Paulo, Brazil tel (011) 278-4515 fax (011) 278-0418 zen@nextis.com |
NEW The Rev. Madeline Ko-i Bastis is a Zen priest in the White Plum lineage, the first Buddhist to be board-certified as a hospital chaplain, and the founder/director of the Peaceful Dwelling Project. The Project promotes the use of meditation for spiritual, emotional and physical healing by offering retreats for persons with life-challenging illness and their caregivers, and trains healthcare professionals and clergy from different traditions to use meditation as a complementary healing practice. | Peaceful Dwelling Projecvt 2 Harbourview Drive East Hampton, NY 11937-1766 USA tel (631) 324-3736 fax (631) 324-5353 info@peacefuldwelling.org www.peacefuldwelling.org |
NEW Sensei Sunyana Graef, founder and teacher of the Vermont Zen Center, has studied and practiced Buddhism since 1969 as a disciple of Roshi Philip Kapleau. Sensei was born in Boston in 1948. In the sixties, she studied religion and philosophy at Bard College, until beginning her Zen training at the Rochester Zen Center. She was ordained as a priest in 1986 and sanctioned as a Dharma Heir of Roshi Kapleau a year later. She moved to Vermont with her family in 1988 to establish the Vermont Zen Center. Sensei Graef also teaches at the Toronto Zen Centre in Canada and the Casa Zen in Costa Rica. | Vermont Zen Center (USA) Toronto Zen Centre (Canada) Casa Zen (Costa Rica) vzc-graef@worldnet.att.net |
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NEW Sensei Wendy Egyoku Nakao is the Abbot of the Zen Center of Los Angeles. The center was first founded by Maezumi Roshi, who was succeeded by Roshi Bernie Tetsugen Glassman; it now grows under the leadership of Sensei, a third-generation American Zen teacher. ZCLA continues its strong tradition in the practice of zazen and Zen Buddhist liturgy, and now includes the path of service and the path of community. Visit the site's online Dharma talk archive for transcripts of some talks by Sensei - see also her bio on ZPO's site. | Zen Center of Los Angeles 923 S. Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006-1301 tel (213) 387-2351 fax (213) 387-2377 zcla@mediaone.net |
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NEW Anne Seisen Saunders, Sensei is the founder and head teacher of Sweetwater Zen Center, an urban residential practice center in National City (near San Diego) offering a daily practice schedule, retreats, workshops, and residential practice. Seisen has been practicing and teaching Zen Buddhism for nearly 20 years; she is a student of the late Maezumi Roshi and a Dharma successor of Bernie Tetsugen Glassman, Roshi. Visit the SWZC site to read some of her Dharma talks. | Sweetwater Zen Center 2727 Highland Avenue National City, CA 91950 USA tel (619) 477-0390 |
NEW The Rev. Sekijun Karen Sunna is the head priest of the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center. Formed nearly 30 years ago, the founding abbot, Dainin Katagiri Roshi was invited to come from California to teach a small but growing group of students interested in the Dharma. Rev. Sunna studied with Katagiri Roshi until his death in 1990, and was installed as head priest in September, 1997. MZMC works to maintain a vibrant, welcoming community committed to the teaching and practice of Zen Buddhism. | Minnesota Zen Meditation Center 3343 East Calhoun Parkway Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 (612) 822-5313 mnzenctr@aol.com |
UPDATED Jan Chozen Bays is the resident teacher at the Zen Community of Oregon. She was ordained as a Zen priest in 1977 and received Dharma transmission (authority to teach) from Maezumi Roshi in 1983. She is continuing to deepen her own practice by studying with Shodo Harada Roshi of Sogen-ji Monastery in Japan. She is a wife, mother, and pediatrician working in the field of child abuse. Jan Bays uses a variety of meditation practice techniques, including breath, listening, koan study, and other practices that she and the student feel are appropriate. | Zen Community of Oregon c/o Portland Dharma Center 2514 SE Madison Portland, Oregon 97214 USA tel (503) 239-4846 zendust@compuserve.com |
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UPDATED Charlotte Joko Beck is a Zen master, the 3rd Dharma heir of Hakuyu Maezumi Roshi and founder of the Ordinary Mind Zen School. She is head of the San Diego Zen Center (where she teaches in tandem with Elizabeth Hamilton), and also teaches at the Prairie Zen Center in Champaign, Illinois. There are centers and groups affiliated with Charlotte Joko Beck in Oakland, California and New York City. She has also written two books (see bibliography) and several short articles, including Some suggestions on practice, Images, The Pools, and The Glass of Water. | Zen
Center of San Diego 2047 Felspar, San Diego, CA tel (619) 273-3444 Prairie Zen Center |
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UPDATED Ellen Jikai Birx, Sensei is a Zen teacher at New River Zen Community in Radford, VA. She is the Dharma heir of Roshi Robert Jinsen Kennedy, SJ (succession from Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi Roshi to Bernard Tetsugen Glassman Roshi to Robert Jinsen Kennedy Roshi to Ellen). She teaches both Soto and Rinzai Zen and offers both shikan-taza and koan study. In addition, Ellen is an Associate Professor of Nursing at Radford University. NEW Ellen's book Healing Zen will be published by Viking Penquin in 2001. | Ellen
Jikai Birx Sensei (PhD, RN) New River Zen Community 2121 Charlton Lane Radford, VA 24l4l (540) 639-4l09 crbirx@radford.edu |
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UPDATED Angie Boissevain (Zuiko Enji Sensei) has been a student of Kobun Chino Roshi, a Soto Zen teacher, for twenty-eight years, first at Haiku Zendo in Los Altos, California, then as head student teacher and director at Jikoji, a retreat center in the Santa Cruz mountains. She was ordained as a lay priest in 1989. Retired from Jikoji, she now meets weekly with meditation groups in San Jose and Sunnyvale, and four times a year with the Buddhist Meditation Fellowship in Willits, California. NEW Angie's Zen meditation/study group in San Jose meets on Tuesdays (6:30-8:00 pm) at 1041 Morse Street;e-mail megkam@aol.com for more details. | Angie
Boissevain tel c/o (650) 988-6542 aboiss@earthlink.net |
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UPDATED Roshi Joan Jiko Halifax, Ph.D., is a Buddhist priest, student of Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh, and a founding member of the Zen Peacemaker Order. She is also the founder of Upaya, a Buddhist organization dedicated to education and practices that foster effective action and right livelihood, and whose programs include Being with Dying, Programs on Engaged Spirituality, and The Landmark Program. Halifax's own approach to working with the terminally ill is movingly described in her article "Being with Dying". She teaches courses on Buddhism and shamanic relationship to the environment at Upaya, the Esalen Institute, and at other venues around the world. | Upaya |
no picture available | UPDATED Joan Sutherland Roshi is the co-founder, with John Tarrant, of the Pacific Zen Institute (which grew out of the former California Diamond Sangha). She also teaches at Springs Mountain Sangha in Colorado Springs and Mountain Cloud Zen Center in Santa Fe. She is a writer and a translator from Chinese and Japanese; she is currently working with John Tarrant and Rich Domingue on the Liturgy Project, a re-visioning of Zen texts and ceremonies. Before becoming a Zen teacher, she worked as a scholar and editor in the field of archaeomythology, apprenticing with Marija Gimbutas, and for nonprofit organizations in the feminist antiviolence and environmental movements. Pacific Zen Institute is devoted to the integration of Zen meditation with the western wisdom traditions, including psychology and the arts, with an emphasis on family practice and community service. With headquarters in Santa Rosa, California, PZI has affiliates throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and in Colorado and Arizona. | Joan
Sutherland Roshi Pacific Zen Institute PO Box 753 Occidental, CA 95465 Email joansuth@dnai.com |
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Eido Frances Carney Sensei is first dharma heir of Niho Tetsumei Roshi of Entsuji, Japan, in lineage with poet/priest Ryokan san. She leads Soto Zen lay practice at Olympia Zen Center in Washington, specializing in hospice and the arts. She develops training in hospice for Associated Ministries for all spiritual traditions. She is poet/painter, teacher of World Religions and writing at South Puget Sound Community College, and leads sesshin and workshops at Cloud Mountain in Castle Rock. | Olympia
Zen Center PO Box 1154 Olympia, WA 98507 tel (360) 786-0912 email Eidosan@aol.com or Olyzendo@aol.com |
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Nancy Brown Hedgpeth, JDPSN, is the abbot of the Providence Zen Center. She has been a student of Zen Master Seung Sahn since 1979, has held many positions at the Providence, Cambridge and New Haven Zen Centers, and has done long retreats in the U.S. and Korea. She is a visiting nurse. See her article on First Kyol Che (90-day retreat) from the Primary Point on-line archive. | Providence Zen Center 99 Pound Road Cumberland, RI 02864 tel (401) 658-1464 kwanumzen@aol.com |
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Sister Chan Khong (True Emptiness) was born in Vietnam in 1938. She began working in the slums of Saigon as a teenager, distributing food, helping the sick, and teaching children. In 1964, she joined Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in founding the School for Youth for Social Service, which grew to an organization of over 10,000 young people organizing medical, educational, and agricultural facilities in rural Vietnam, and rebuilding villages destroyed by the war. Now she lives in exile at Plum Village, Thich Nhat Hanh's community in southwestern France, where she is a Dharma teacher, community leader, and social worker. She is author of Learning True Love: How I Learned and Practiced Social Change in Vietnam. | Plum
Village Meyrac 47120 Loubes-Bernac France |
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Ven. Jinmyo Fleming ino is a fully ordained monk of the Northern Mountain Order of the White Wind Zen Community. Before becoming a formal student in 1991, her background included long study in Sufism, Islam, Hinduism and the Gurdjieff Work. In 1994 she received transmission as a practice advisor from the Ven. Anzan Hoshin sensei, and is authorized to provide instruction in the beginning stages of Zen practice and Daruma-kata-aiki (Damo Chi-kung). Jinmyo ino trains in Chinese Ceremonial Tea (Gong-fu cha) with the Sensei and presents classes in this elegant Zen art, and also presents Shojin Ryori Zen Cooking classes. | Ven.
Jinmyo Fleming ino Zen Centre of Ottawa (Honzan Dainen-ji) 240 Daly Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6G2 Canada Tel: (613) 562-1568 Fax: (613) 241-5731 E-mail: jinmyo@trytel.com http://www.wwzc.org |
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Zenkei Blanche Hartman began sitting in 1969 at the Berkeley Zen Center with Sojun Mel Weitsman and in San Francisco with Suzuki-roshi. She was ordained a priest in 1977 by Zentatsu Baker and received dharma transmission with Sojun Mel Weitsman in 1988. Zenkei became Abbess of San Francisco Zen Center in February 1996. She is married to Shuun Lou Hartman; they have four children and five grandchildren. | SFZC City Center 300 Page Street San Francisco, CA 94102 tel (415) 863-3136 sf-zen@pacbell.net Green Gulch Farm Zen
Center |
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Roshi Sandra Jishu Angyo Holmes was the second Abbot of the Zen Community of New York. Along with her husband, Roshi Bernie Glassman, she co-founded the Zen Peacemaker Order, an international order of social activists engaged in peacemaking based on Three Tenets: penetrating the unknown, bearing witness to joy and suffering, and healing ourselves and others. The two also co-founded the Interfaith Peacemaker Community, embracing peacemaker villages around the world such as Jishu's Pamsula Village in Yonkers, NY. Jishu passed from this sphere of teaching on March 20, 1998. Sensei Wendy Egyoku Nakao has written a poignant description of the funeral entitled Saying Goodbye to a Dharma Sister. | Zen Peacemaker Order 1400-A Cerro Gordo Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501 Tel (505) 983-5541 Fax (505) 505-983-5711 E-mail Peacemaker |
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Ven. Dr. Karuna Dharma is the Abbess of the International Buddhist Meditation Center, Los Angeles CA, and a past president of the American Buddhist Congress. She serves as vice-president of the Buddhist Sangha Council and College of Buddhist Studies, Los Angeles, and was a founding president of Sakyadhita. She was ordained by the late Ven. Dr. Thich Thien-An in the Lieu Quang school of Zen (Thien) from Vietnam. | International
Buddhist Meditation Center 928 S. New Hampshire Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90006 USA karunadh@westworld.com |
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Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett Roshi was an English-born master in the Serene Reflection Meditation tradition (Soto Zen). In 1962 she went to Asia, where she became the disciple of Zen master Koho Keido Chisan Zenji. In 1969 she returned to the West and founded abbeys and meditation groups throughout Europe and the USA. She was the author of several books on Zen Buddhism, and headed the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives until her death on November 6, 1996. | Throssel
Hole Buddhist Abbey Carrshield, HEXHAM Northumberland NE47 8AL, UK tel (01434) 345 204, fax 345 216 http://www.obcon.org/sathole.html Shasta Abbey 3724 Summit Drive Mt. Shasta, CA 96067-9102, USA tel (530) 926-4208, fax 926-0428 http://www.obcon.org/sapg.html |
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Sister Annabel Laity, a Buddhist nun and Dharma teacher in the Tiep Hien tradition, lives at Plum Village in France, where she helps lead the daily practice of mindfulness. She also leads retreats internationally, and is translator of many books of Thich Nhat Hanh, including Breathe! You Are Alive, Our Appointment With Life, and The Sun My Heart. | Plum
Village Meyrac 47120 Loubes-Bernac France |
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Jane McLaughlin-Dobisz, JDPSN, has practiced in the Tibetan, Vipassana, and Zen traditions for over twenty years. She edited The Whole World Is A Single Flower, a collection of kong-ans [koans] by Zen Master Seung Sahn, published in 1991. Jane has been teaching in the USA, Europe, and South Africa since 1992, when she received inka from Zen Master Seung Sahn. She is a Guiding Teacher of the Cambridge Zen Center, where over 45 residents live and practice together. She lives with her husband in the Boston area. | Cambridge Zen Center 199 Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02139-3828 tel (617) 576-3229 |
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Maestra Berta Meneses is the head of the Escola Zen Sanbokyodan in Barcelona. The Escola Zen Sanbokyodan is, In turn, is a chapter of the Zendo Betania -- an order of Catholic nuns who practise zazen. | Escola
Zen Sanbokyodan C. Lincoln 6 08006 Barcelona Spain Tel 34 93 237 7475 |
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Kuya Minogue trained with the Shasta Abbey monks (CA), at the DharmaRain Zen Centre (OR), and at Shorinji (Japan). She then broke away from patriarchal Zen to research women's roles in Buddhism and to create a practice that embraces a feminist/lesbian vision. She co-directs Amazenji, a women's retreat center which includes traditional zen meditation and earth-based women's spirituality, in northeastern British Columbia. |
Amazenji RR2 Site 11E Comp 3 Burns Lake, BC Canada V0J 1E0 tel (250) 694-3630 email kminogue@nlc.bc.ca |
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Sensei Enkyo Pat O'Hara is a Soto Zen Priest and Teacher in the White Plum Lineage (and resident teacher at the Village Zendo in Manhattan -- see the Zen teachers page for details), and a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order. Enkyo manages the Buddhist AIDS Network, guides a meditation group for people with AIDS at Gay Men's Health Crisis in Manhattan, and regularly leads retreats. As a Zen Peacemaker Sensei is deeply involved in exploring a Zen Buddhist approach to deeper commitment to issues of difference around race, class, sexuality and health. She has participated in two Zen Peacemaker Auschwitz retreats and in Street Retreats which explore the experience of homelessness and urban poverty. | Village Zendo 15 Washinton Place, #4E New York, NY 10003 Tel (212) 674-0832 e-mail pat.ohara@nyu.edu |
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Taitaku Patricia Phelan is the teacher at Chapel Hill Zen Center. She was ordained in 1977 by Zentatsu Richard Baker, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi's successor at the San Francisco Zen Center. She also studied with Sojun Mel Weitsman, Tenshin Reb Anderson, and Robert Aitken Roshi. In 1971, Pat began twenty years of training at SF Zen Center where she was a Practice Leader and Director of the City Center. In 1995, she received Dharma Transmission from Sojun Weitsman, Abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center. Her lectures reflect both her personal spiritual journey and years of Buddhist study. Pat is married and has a daughter in high school. | Chapel Hill Zen Center P.O. Box 16302 Chapel Hill, NC 27516 tel (919) 967-0861 e-mail TCabarga@intrex.net |
Sensei Susan Ji-on Postal is the founder and teacher of the Empty Hand Zendo at the Meeting House in Rye, New York. She continues practice in the style and spirit of her late teacher Maurine Myo-on Stuart, who ordained her in 1988 at the Meeting House. She began formal Buddhist practice in 1970 with a teacher of Dzogchen and since 1980 has been practicing Zen. The Empty Hand Zendo is a non-residential lay practice community open to those of all faiths. The other teacher at Empty Hand is Jane Dai-on Shuman (see the teaching schedule for details). | Empty Hand Zendo 624 Milton Road Rye, NY 10580 USA tel (914) 921-3327 E-mail SusanJion@aol.com or JaneDaion@aol.com |
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The late teacher Gesshin Myoko Prabhasa Dharma (1931-1999) entered Zen training in Los Angeles in 1967 under the Japanese master Venerable Joshu Kyozan Denkyo-Shitsu Saksaki Roshi. She was ordained a year later and became an Osho in 1972, acting as director and vice abbess of both Mt. Baldy and Cimarron Zen Centers. In April 1985 she received the Dharma Mind Seal Transmission from Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Man Giac, becoming the 45th generational heir in the lineage of Vietnamese Rinzai Zen. She taught in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Florida until she passed away on May 24, 1999. | Information
provided by Nikki Leger International Zen Institute of America and Europe 1760 Pomona Ave #35 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 |
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Yvonne Rand is a Zen priest and meditation teacher with more than 30 years of practice experience. A disciple of Shunryu Suzuki and later Dainin Katagiri, she has also studied in the Theravadan and Tibetan traditions. She is currently at work on her book, The Dying Are My Teachers. | Sati
Center for Buddhist Studies 238 Woods Street Santa Cruz, CA 95062 tel (415) 646-0530 |
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Caitríona Reed
and Michele Benzamin-Masuda are the co-founders and resident teachers
of Ordinary Dharma/Manzanita Village.
Their teaching is informed by the tradition of Engaged Buddhism, the idea that the
spiritual life is not separate from other aspects of living, and that meditation and
mindfulness training are ways to cultivate awareness in all of life’s situations.
Through the Jizo Project they
also work with at-risk kids at juvenile hall and prison camp, and visit local correctional
facilities to lead classes in mindfulness, meditation, and martial arts. Caitríona has studied with teachers in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. since 1970. She has led retreats since 1981. She is a senior teacher in Thich Nhat Hanh's Order of Interbeing, and received the Lamp transmission from him in 1992. She is a clinical hypnotherapist in practice since 1985. She is transsexual, now living as a woman. Michele has led retreats since 1986. She is a teacher and senior member in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing. She holds a 4th-degree black belt in Aikido and a 3rd-degree black belt in Iaido (sword) in the style of Nishio Sensei. She is a performer and artist who has exhibited widely. |
Dharma http://ordinarydharma.org/ Manzanita Village Retreat Center PO Box 67, Warner Springs CA 92086 Tel. (760) 782-9223 |
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Diane Eshin Rizzetto was born in 1942 in Boston. She began studying with Sojun Mel Weitsman at the Berkeley Zen Center in 1978. After practicing there for several years, she began study with Charlotte Joko Beck of the Zen Center of San Diego. Diane received dharma transmission from Joko in 1994 and was installed as teacher and abbot of the Bay Zen Center. Joko and her dharma heirs together founded the Ordinary Mind Zen School, a non-denominational approach to cultivating awareness in the activities of daily life. In addition to her Zen teaching, Diane works as a learning therapist and spends time with her husband and four grandchildren. | Bay Area Zen Center 5600A Snake Road Oakland, CA 94611 tel (510) 482-2533 e-mail info@bayzen.org |
The late Ven. Sarika Dharma (Renee Gail Richmond) was a Zen Buddhist monk (her tradition uses the word for both sexes) and teacher at the International Buddhist Meditation Center in Los Angeles. A disciple of the Vietnamese master Ven. Dr. Thich Thien-An, Sarika was actively concerned with the status of women and gays in Buddhism, and founded a Lesbian Zen Group in Los Angeles. Some of Sarika's Dharma teachings are available at the Dharma Dykes archive. | Contact
the Lesbian Zen Group through the Dharma Dykes webpage The Dharma Dykes mailing list is open to lesbians of all tradtions |
Zen Master Seong Hyang (Barbara Rhodes) is the Vice School Zen Master and guiding Dharma Teacher of the Kwan Um School of Zen (Korean Son tradition), and the guiding teacher of Zen centers in Florida, Chicago and Colorado. She received Dharma transmission from Zen Master Seung Sahn in October 1992. A registered nurse, she works for Hospice Care of Rhode Island. Several of her teachings are available on the Primary Point on-line archive (see also our Articles page). | Kwan
Um Zen Community of Chicago tel (773) 327-1695, ecutler@openport.com Cypress Tree Zen Group PO Box 1856, Tallahassee, FL 32302 arudloe@garnet.acns.fsu.edu Gateless Gate Zen Center c/o K.C. Walpole tel (904) 454-4264, kc@mercury.net Kwan Um Zen Community of Colorado tel (303) 979-1655, kuzcc@aol.com |
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Sei-un An Roselyn Stone of the Mountain Moon Zen Buddhist Group is a Canadian-born Zen teacher of the Sanbo Kyodan lineage which combines elements from the Japanese Soto and Rinzai traditions. In 1985 Yamada Roshi formally granted her authorisation as an authorised Zen Master; the teaching name of Sei'un An ("Clearing Away the Clouds") was then conferred upon her. She now has zendos in Brisbane, Australia and Toronto, Canada. | Mountain Moon Zen Buddhist Group 4 Geelong Street East Brisbane 4169 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia tel (07) 3895 8080 or 3359 8582 jan@thehub.com.au 6-941 Avenue Road Toronto, ON M5P 2K7, Canada Meditation on Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m.) |
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Bonnie Myotai Treace, Sensei is the first dharma heir of Abbot John Daido Loori, Roshi and a second generation Zen teacher in the Mountains and Rivers Order. She is the Vice-Abbess at Zen Mountain Monastery and spiritual director of the Zen Center of New York City, the city branch of the Monastery. She received Dharma Transmission in 1996 after 14 years of full-time residential training. She has served as Director of Dharma Communications and Editor of the Mountain Record. Sensei's talks are available in the Mountain Record and on audio tapes from Dharma Communications. | Zen Mountain Monastery P.O. Box 197 Mt. Tremper, NY 12457 tel (914) 688-2228 fax (914) 688-2415 E-mail: zmmtrain@zen-mtn.org Zen Center of New York City |
Ven. Joan Shikai Woodward godo is a fully ordained monk of the Northern Mountain Order of the White Wind Zen Community. In 1989 she received transmission as a practice advisor from the Ven. Anzan Hoshin sensei, and was appointed Godo (head monk) and Senior Practice Advisor in 1992. Since then she has introduced hundreds of people to the practice of mindfulness at Zen workshops throughout Canada, Britain, and Austria. Her Dharma talks are vivid and humorous and draw forth the Teachings and the understanding of students so that they can become intimate with each other. Shikai godo's background includes work as a producer/director, multimedia artist, costume designer, NLP trainer, and Morita-Naikan psychotherapies instructor. | Ven.
Shikai Woodward godo Zen Centre of Ottawa (Honzan Dainen-ji) 240 Daly Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6G2 Canada Tel: (613) 562-1568 Fax: (613) 241-5731 E-mail: jinmyo@trytel.com http://www.wwzc.org |
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