Sithy Glossary

This is an incomplete collection of all our inside jokes. (Not even close to complete!) If you're trying to use it as a glossary, well... heh heh.... GOOD LUCK!


Accidents- the #1 die

Adding Machines- machines used to add

Ai-mi- Amie

Aimi14- a name that shall suffice

Ai-mi's Cheat Sheet- if you're not Ai-mi, please stop reading now!

Amoeba- the first name of the queen of the jungle

AQOTJ- Amoeba, Queen of the Jungle

to (not) Associate with (anymore)- what Romeo does to the BELL-hop


to Be like Mike- to dance in a strange, mildly frightening manner

BELL-hop- Casey

Bell tower- oh, my.

Big Daddy Oriclet- the king of the Oriclets

Big Jim- a Mafia hit-man

Blah- an evil villian and/or an emotion

Blimey!- an expression of the Wannabe English Patient

Blonde- one who asks, 'Where's the bus?'

Bloody- covered in blood, also an expression of the Wannabe English Patient

to say 'Book' to someone- to ask someone out in Paul-ese

Bucket seat- Jim is mine! Vile chair!

Bull fighter- one whose pants take three men to put on

Broomhilda- sad, isn't it?


to Caaaaaaaarve one's Velveeta- to slice imitation cheese

the Chair- Jim's one-and-only. (sigh.)

Cheddar- the subject of the question, 'Where does the word 'cheddar' originate from?'

Cheese Dreams- Velveeta's amorous nightly encounters (imagined, might I add.)

Chee-toews- a cheese-flavored snack (they make yer handz awl ornj)

the Computer- the object of Pink's unrequited love (if a computer gives you flowers...)

Cookie- the root of all evil

Corwina and the 7 little heads- mirror, mirror, on the wall...


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang- One reason why I'm so evil to Kerry in the first place.

Damsel-in-distress hair- hair which makes one say 'Upaeflvskoeaicmoaeingohvcxcxx!'

DarkLordOfTheSith- A lady who, (cough, cough) needs a brassieure

the (insert number) Date- Ah, the awkwardness of young love!

a Day of Stupidity- a veeeeery long day. (Hallmark Motto: Every Day can be a Day of Stupidity!)

the Debate- Well, can you or can't you judge a man by his pants?

Dick Clark- keeper of the raisins

Dick Clark's American Bandstand- site of Luke's b-day...

Direct Beth-Quote- Anything Beth says that I don't want to take credit for.

(Doesn't Sigh)- Something Aimi does when Richard walks past

Do tell, mate.- A statement of the Wannabe English Patient

Don't laugh! Ten thousand points off your BATS grade!- Really, Aimi, it's not THAT funny.

Dr. Suzuki- Eye luvv Dokturr Soooozooookey!!!


Eew- A word said when Male-an looks at Luke. We are yet to see the significance.

Eh.- 'No one cares.' 'So what.' If pronounced ey: 'I am Mr. Payne, and I never say this word, much to the annoyance of Ai-Mi!'

E.M.'s obsession- ODF

España Cañi- a song to be played while bull-fighting

Evan's Science Ramblings- Umm, well, ... you see, um.... well (um... well,... I think you get the- what's that word?- oh, yeah, ummm... point.)

Evil- sithy

Eye amm goeing tew plae uh songg nowe!- a hint to get out of the room as fast as possible


Faerie Queene- The role danced by Buchananoff

Fairy god-Beth- Ai-mi's fairy god-mother

Farmer Joe- a very paranoid farmer

Five dollars extra charge- accompanies a day of stupidity

the Flies- the members of the chess team

how to Flush one's head down the toilet- I wouldn't know. Ask Pink.

Friar Tuck- Romeo

Frog-boy- a boy who resembles a frog

Frying pan- something to hit [insert annoying person] on the head with


Go away. Just... go away- direct Romeo-quote

Go to the end and start to first- to go backwards

G-d's Door- one of the doors to the auditorium

the Go Home Place- Warson... or is it Olive?

Goodness gracious sakes aliiiive!- a very charming expression, to be said in a high voice

Gross!- something to be said in a low, masculine voice when bumping into Luke

the Ground- it doesn't really take much for Jim, does it?


Heeheeheeheehee!!!- the distinctive cackle of the young ODF cub in the wild

Herbert- *sob* Why do good men always die so young?

Hic parvus porcus venit en forum.- This little piggy went to market.

Hi, J!- something you can say to make J walk in the opposite direction

Ho-in-the-box- a popular children's toy in Mysterious-Head-Land.

Horny laugh- a laugh given off by a raisin

Horny Old Raisin- full name of Mr. H. Raisin

How's life/the bun?- an expression to be said to/from Richard

H. Raisin (Mr.)- he who takes over science fairs


If a computer gives you flowers....- question 1, tough quiz 2

Indy- Indiana J

[Insert Sarcastic Comment]- something Chris says to Ai-mi

[Insert Even More Sarcastic Comment]- something Ai-mi says to Chris

Italian (Bright Red) leather sofa- behind which lies paradise... for some of us.


J- Jey

Jey-ina- J's second, er... third daugher, suitoress (is that a word?) of Richard

Jim- (sigh) cruel love!

JK3ROT- JK's third row of teeth

J's Male Model School- haven for the beauty/brains-challenged


Kerry- half of Oric&Kerry


Light Saber- the weapon of choice for Ai-mi, Luke and J-ina. Makes a SNAP-hissssssssssssss.

Little J- oh! you're so cuuuuuuute!!

the Little One- JK Jr.

the Little Talk- Run, J! Run!

Little Tikes House- J's new home

the Look- the expression J has in panel 3

Lucky Jim- he lets me cheat at poker

Luke- Karin

Lukey-boy- Luke

Lukie-boy- a misspelled version of the previous entry


Mafatu- he needs YOU to become a man

Mathilda- Luke's real name

Mitochondria Sweater- a sweater (Patricio's pronunciation guide: mi-tah-CHON-dri-ah)

a Moment of Stupidity- a long moment

Mondays- the underwear of a matador

Moron- Patricio's pronunciation guide: muh-RONNNN)


No-head- Kerry, as he is known to Male-an

No! No you may not!- the answer to the question, 'May we look at this?'


Oh, my...- a hint to the quickness- and sickness-challenged among us

Orchestra Amusement- someone to be endlessly searched for and never found

Oric- half of Oric&Kerry

Oriclets- the beings inhabiting J's hair

Otis- someone with an oedipus complex

Our Dear Friend(ODF)-Shur! Shur! Yoo cantt sae shur!

Our Two Children.... J, we have 3 kids!- proof of J's natural paternal tendencies


Patricio- he who says mi-tah-CHON-dri-ah

Paulus- the non-Warner Paul

Paul Warner- he who has day-glow green eyes

Paul Warner green- a bright, incandescent shade of green

to think one is Paul Warner- to think oneself much better looking than everyone else does

Petite Women's Hosiery- Pink's little secret

Pink- Velveeta

Pink Bunny- messiah of the Cheese-god. Famous quote: "Hi! I'm Pink! I'm stupid!"

PGCF- Pathetic Guys' Charity Foundation

Phurst Vy-o-leeen- something ODF thinks he could be

Plaid Bell-Bottoms- (sob!) Be'est my love so poorly endowed?

Polly- someone who is offered a cracker

Pre-pubescent- resembling Richard Simmons (the character). A favorite phrase of the W.E.P.


Quasi-J- he who rings the bell of the church tower and/or Ai-mi

Quick, like a bunny!- hurry up


Rabbibert- the rabbi of a nice town, married to an amoeba

Raisin(s)- the henchmen of Dick Clark

the Reading Strategies Child- watch out, J! You've got some competition!

Red Convertible- hey, Lukester, want a ride?

Richard- the beloved of J-ina

Richard & Ai-mi [insert roman numeral]- an episode in a serial soap opera

to Ring one's Bell- to be liked very much

Romeo- one who does not associate with Juliet anymore

to Run with the Wind- to obey the shirt
