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I am a Happy Orange Button.

Here's your happy orange button... now go look at the links.

susan's site
Heheheheh... I stole her banner!  Wait a minute... That's what she wanted me to do!

mikey's site
He didn't have a banner, but that didn't stop me from stealing something!

matt's page
I stole this without permission!  And if he doesn't like it, he can.. uh... complain!

lukie's single page
This was the only image on Lukie's page, so I was forced to steal it.

amie's unfinished page
Amie's Page Oh, no! It has nothing to steal yet!

I stole this, and whoever made it can't stop me!  Uh... Sithy, didn't you make this?  Oh, yeah.  Oops.

my art
For some reason, when you steal from yourself it just takes the fun out of it.

More to come, once our 42 page and the Dr. Suzuki fanclub come.
