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Would you like an award??

Ok, you've got a web page, you spend hours and hours working on it and you want a bit of recognition - yes? Well, how would you like to win one of my awards? If you've got a site you can win! All you have to do is e-mail the name of the award(s) you want to apply for, the URL, Title & if you want a short description. I'll have a look, and if I think it's worthy you'll get a cool graphic award, and a place on my wall of fame. What more could you ask for!! AND if you think your site doesn't fit any of these award categories, suggest a new one and I'll make it especially for you (if you're good!)

Yay, I want to win your award!>

Every entry will be considered and you *will* get a response within 2-3 weeks

These are the Awards!
(the real ones won't have sample on them!)

The Girls do it better award
The Graphic Design Award
The Cool home page award
The Helpful Site Award
The Sound and Vision Award
The TV & Film Site Excellence Award
The Business Site Award

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