What's New at Ally's Page?
This site was last updated on April 8, 2000!Updated Pages:
Yay for Mommy and I! We have finally gotten around to updating my little site, just in time for my 2nd birthday! That wacky mommy of mine is always hogging the computer! *smile*
Hi, and welcome to my page! I'm sure many of you are now firmly convinced that my mommy (Lisa) has lost her mind, since since she is letting me make a webpage...but she says that I'm her "baby", & a very special kitty at that, so she thinks I deserve one! :)
The Facts About Me: Name - Ally Pacey Nicknames - Ally P.; Ally-boo; Boo-boo; Little Buddy; "Een", and BabyHead(I have a nickname from each member of my family!) Age -Two Years Old!!! Birthday - April 14, 1998 Breed - sealpoint Siamese mix Sex - female Weight - 10.8 pounds!!!
I am named after the TV character "Ally McBeal", partly because it's "mommy's" favorite show, & partly because mommy says that I'm both endearing, yet neurotic (as is the TV Ally). I don't know if I agree with her about that! Pacey is after some boy on "Dawson's Creek"...a name chosen by both of my aunts despite mommy's protests. My aunts didn't like "Ally" as a name, so they compromised on "Ally Pacey". Fortunately, no one actually calls me that. Can you tell we are a TV loving family?!
Ally's Photo Album - 1998
Ally's Second Photo Album - 1999
Ally's Feline (& human!) Furriends
Ally Goes to Skool! (aka Ally's CLAW! Page!)
Ally's Antics
My favorite human family members are "Daddy" (Mommy's father), and Mommy (pretty much in that order, depending on the day!). I will follow them around the house constantly until they pay attention to me, and tell me what a beautiful, wonderful kitty I am. I only drink water from the tap now, unless nobody is there to turn the water on for me...then I have to drink out of the bowl. Hey, I like my water really cold!
Daddy has now started letting me "explore" on our front and back porches, much to Mommy's protests! I like to watch the birdies and search for new bugs in the cool shade underneath our back porch! It's lots of fun...but I had to promise Mommy I wouldn't leave our yard!
Mommy says that I'm one smart little cookie! I know to come when my family calls me, how to open doors, how to fetch toys (although only when I feel like it!), and (da-da-dum!) how to throw a ball with my front paws while standing on my back legs! I figured out all of this all by myself! I also understand a lot of what my family says to me... (i.e. "give me a kiss", "don't climb on the furniture", etc.). I like to talk a lot (I am part Siamese!)...to my human family it sounds like "Mmmrrrr?"
I hope you've enjoyed reading about me! Please check out my other pages if you want to know more about me, my friends, my webrings, or the causes I support! (I'm a very busy kitty!)
Please sign my guestbook below before you leave! I like to know who's come to visit me!
Look, look, look! I'm a kitty princess now!
Do you want to be a Pampered Princess too? Go visit Princess Hope to see if you've got what it takes!
Meet my two cyber-kitties!
Oliver is on the left, and Renee' is on the right!
I adopted Oliver from Kitty's Adoption Page! He's named after the kitty in Disney's "Oliver & Company".
Mommy says Renee' looks just like I did as a baby! Her name is Renee', 'cause "Ally McBeal"'s best friend is named "Renee'". Isn't she adorable? You can adopt your own cyber-kitty at:
I've also adopted Samson from Lady J's Pet Adoptions.
He's here to help raise awareness for homeless & mistreated animals!
Mommy gave me this fairy kitty since I help her so much in her role as Fairy Lark for the Site Fights! :)
Our beautiful background set and some graphics came from:
To go to mommy's page, just click here!
visitors have had the "Ally Experience" since November 14, 1998!!!