Welcome to the P:WoG Original Cast - Season One Ring homepage!
The P:WoG Original Cast - Season One Ring is a group of Pensacola: Wings of Gold sites around the net which have as the main theme the first season, linked together in a circular fashion. You can travel a ring in either direction, either jumping to (or skipping) the next site or previous site; you can also list the next five sites in the ring, jump to a random site in the ring, or simply get a list of all pages in the loop.
On this page, you can:
- read about any updates to this page
- read the membership requirements
- join the P:WoG Original Cast Season One Ring
- edit your site information (URL, email address, site description, or password)
- Please note: If you're having difficulty registering your page, *please* keep trying, or feel free to email me
your site info, and I'll try to register you from my end as well.
- As of 22nd September 1998, there are 2 members in the Ring, and 0 more on the queue.
[Note: Sites on the queue may not fulfil P:WoG Original Cast (Season One) Ring requirements at all, since submitted pages will only be checked for P:WoG season one content when the site owner requests to be added to the Ring. Also, you will not be able to add any of the queue sites to the Ring - only the Ringmistress may do that.]
Membership is open to
- any P:WoG fan, as long as
- the site being registered must not just merely mention P:WoG somewhere, but
- must have at least one page dedicated to its original cast and/or season one as a whole.
Joining the Ring
To become a member of the P:WoG Original Cast Season One Ring, please fill in the form below:
- Filling in this form will put your page on the P:WoG Original Cast Season One Ring "Queue"; the actual insertion in the P:WoG Original Cast Season One Ring will be done later.
- You will be assigned a Site ID number - please remember this ID, as well as the password you choose.
- You will be emailed instructions and a HTML fragment to insert in your webpage.
- Once you've added the necessary HTML fragment and images to webpage, email me and ask me to add you to the ring. Be sure to include your Site ID number in your message.
- After checking out your page for S:AAB content and the required P:WoG Original Cast Season One Ring HTML fragment, your page will be added to the Ring. You should then receive an email informing you that you've been added.
- Congratulations! You're done!
Member Utilities
Current ring members may edit their site information here
(please inform me
of your changes!):
Here is the source code for the WebRing logo:
Logo text, download it and put the text at the bottom of your webpage in your editor.
Please note that you have to put your site id where _your_id_number_ is, and also fill in your correct email addy _your_email_addy_, and your name _your_name_.
Please download the following images:
This webring is made possible by WebRing
P:WoG Original Cast Season One Ring graphics designed by Lt Hawkes. Thanks to Mao for providing the stills.
Last modified: 23rd September 1998
Disclaimer: Pensacola: Wings of Gold is legal property of Stu Stegall and Eyemark Production. No copyright infringement intended.