type html here ------------------



creates a line centered on the page that is 25% of the page width.
----------------- Will change only this line to black This will change the text between the tags to comic biggest
 tag set 

---------------------------------- Jump to Spot ON YOUR PAGE click here and go to this url click here to play this sound DESCRIPTION HERE when gif is clicked wav is played DESCRIPTION HERE when gif is clicked go to URL ----------------------------- orLOOP=INFINITE so IE can hear also use so netscape can hear Zonie> If you want simple code without having to worry whether someone is using Netscape or something else, here it is: <Zonie> <BGSOUND SRC="targetURL"> <Zonie> if you want the music to loop (keep playing or play x times REPEAT=x or LOOP=x) <Zonie> <BGSOUND SRC="targetURL" LOOP=INFINITE> <Zonie> the tags prevent MSIE 4.x from trying to do both and causing problems. for more information on sounds on your web page try http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4294/midixbbm.html#model ------------------------------------ White "FFFFFF" Black "000000" Purple "FF00FF" Yellow "FFFF00" Gray "C0C0C0" Yellow "FFFF66" Red "FF0000" Blue "0000FF" Green "00FF00" Lt. Purple "CC33FF" Lt. Blue "00CCFF" BLACK WHITE GREEN MAROON OLIVE NAVY PURPLE GRAY RED YELLOW BLUE TEAL LIME AQUA FUSCHIA SILVER ----------------------------------- Netscape Specific IE specific -------------------------- Email Me ------------------------------------------------------ HTML 4

Inline Style

------------------------------ The simplest cross-browser code If you want simple code without having to worry whether someone is using Netscape or something else, here it is: <EMBED SRC="targetURL" HIDDEN=TRUE AUTOSTART=TRUE> <NOEMBED> <BGSOUND SRC="targetURL"> </NOEMBED> If you want the music to loop (keep playing or play x times REPEAT=x or LOOP=x) <EMBED SRC="targetURL" HIDDEN=TRUE REPEAT=TRUE AUTOSTART=TRUE> <NOEMBED> <BGSOUND SRC="targetURL" LOOP=INFINITE> </NOEMBED> the <NOEMBED></NOEMBED> tags prevent MSIE 4.x from trying to do both and causing problems. for more information on sounds on your web page try http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4294/midixbbm.html#model -------------------------- to put up an example of tags use & and & <xmp> the tags won't work but they will show up