Flames, worship, Midouri sours?
Most recent pic of me...far left in the purple wings. C5 at the Crystal in New Orleans...yes I am still sobering up from that week ;)
Yes, if you are reading this site you will realize, "Hot Damn, she hasn't updated this thing in like four $*@!&% years!" But now with the fun technology and equipment offered by my university, I will be able to get real pictures of me online, my artwork, my resume, and all sorts of fun goodies instead of the crap I wrote when I was, ummm, 16.
***My Pages***
Gothic San Diego!! My hometown through my eyes
About Me >:)Nuerotic rantings filled with spelling errors and mopiness
This will soon be filled with my artwork, poetry, and photography.
My Links page! Newly cleaned and disinfected!
My quotes page. Same clever, razor-sharp wit you've come to loathe.
St. Louis isn't exactly a gothic haven, but at least we have one club night...check it out.
All the graphics on here wereprobably stolen from someone elses pages...but I'll be nice and fix that soon. All original artwork and poetry is mine though so if you steal it, I want cedit. Copyright 2001. All Rights Reserved.