Current Clan Rank

                    Internal Clan Rank as of July 2, 1998
 	        Rank	Score	Wins   Losses  Games Played
 Smider		KFW	4       2      0       2
 Reaper		2	10      5      0       5
 Gungho		3       3       2      1       3
 Suede           4       2       1      0       1
 Cswilson	5       2       1      2       3
 Sick Puppy	6       2       2      2       4
 McGoogan	7	1       1      1       2
 Glynis		8       1       1      2       3
 Mavrik		9	0       0      1       1
 Mark		10      0       0      0       0
 Chingon         11      0       0      1       1
 Asmo		12	0       0      3       3
 Arni            13      0       0      0       0
 This table shows your Internal Clan Rank (has nothing to do with
 your MK score). Points are awarded according to the notes below.
 The first cut-off date is June 13, 1998.

Clan Member Battles

 				 Date	   Game
 Name	 Rank 	Name	   Rank	 Started   Map            Winner
 McGoogan  3     SickPuppy   10   5/21/98   GroundZero     McGoogan
 Smider    1     ASsmo       5    5/21/98   Sailor'sLegend Smider
 Gungho    9     Cswilson    8    5/21/98   Desert         Gungho
 Suede     3     Glynis      6    5/21/98   Moneywar       Suede
 Reaper    3     Cswilson    11   5/24/98   Shaniko        Reaper
 Asmo     10     Reaper      3    5/24/98   Islander       Reaper
 Smider    1     Cswilson    11   5/24/98   Meceva         Smider
 Reaper    2     Gungho      3    5/24/98   Seagems        Reaper
 Reaper    2     McGoogan    3    5/30/98   MatchPack      Reaper
 Asmo     10     SickPuppy   9    5/30/98   LostWorld      SickPuppy
 Cswilson 11     SickPuppy   5    6/2/98    Sailor'sLegend Cswilson
 Mavrik    7     Gungho      6    6/1/98    NestEggs       Gungho
 Glynis    8     SickPuppy   5    6/1/98    TrickyTrails   Glynis
 Reaper    2     Glynis      8    6/1/98    BigMatchPack   Reaper
 SickPuppy 8     CHINGON    11    6/9/98    Twist          SickPuppy
 "Rank" denotes rank at the beginning of the battle.

Q. What the fuck do we do now?

 A. Accumulate points! The person with the most points as of our 
    cut-off date will have the privelege to play in the leader for
    the crown. The points system will be as follows:
          Win                      = +2 points
          Loss (if you challenge)  = -2 points
          Loss (if accepted chlge) = -1 point
          Succesful crown defense  = +5 points
 Q. What's the cut-off date?
 A. Let's say the clan decides that the first of every month is the
    day that the leadership game takes place. The second last day of 
    previous month is the cut-off date. Whoever has the highest points
    gets the shot.
 Q. How do we get a game going?
 A. Post a challenge on the bbs. If the other accepts, I (McGoogan) 
    will generate a random map and post it to the acceptance. Then
    I will update the above "Current Games" table. Once the game has
    been completed. Send me a note so I can update your points 
 Q. Can the current leader join games to accumulate points outside of
    the "Crown Game"?
 A. By all means! On the Cut-Off date we'll sound the trumpets and 
    send in the whores to declare the Crown Game, it's map and 
    it's details. It will be made perfectly clear when the leader
    is in a title fight or just a rubber match.
 Q. What if I'm #2 at cutoff date? Do I have to contend the Crown?
 A. Nein! We'll give the opportunity to #3 then.
 This system is not set in stone. Flaws and improvements are 
 inevitable (especially surrounding point allocations, I'm awful
 with numbers). But let's get it going anyway. The first cut-off date
 will be June 13. (Unless someone has a different idea)

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Smider has pleasured himself times since grade nine.