Please come on in and make yourself comfortable. I'll make you a swiss mocha or whatever you fancy and we can get acquainted. Grab a spot on the floor and make friends with my critters or if that doesn't suit you, find a comfy chair - the animals will still want to meet you, they like having friends over too! Tell me what kind of music you like and I'll crank the stereo. Maybe you'd like to dance? Whatever your inclination, please feel right at home - your wish is my command.

So, you want to know a little about me? Well, I was widowed 16 years ago, in 1984 and I have one son, almost 17. As of today, May 19, 2000, I am suffering from a broken heart. The man I loved and was planning my future with is also involved with another woman - OUCH! I will be back to update this when I am feeling stronger and have some self-esteem once again.

This is the man I thought was "mine". Who knows what the future now holds.

I'm a sun worshipper (gotta have a tan) and really enjoy the outdoors, even in the winter. I enjoy gardening in the summer - very challenging in this country where the growing season is so short.
I'm an animal lover and spend lots of time with my dog (I used to have 3 dogs but as of January, now only have one), walking on the wilderness trails in our area. In summer my dog, Sandi and I park ourselves in a secluded spot on a nearby creek and swim and sunbathe together, that's the ultimate best as far as I'm concerned!
I also love listening to music - the blues, especially Stevie Ray Vaughn, Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Jonny Lang; old and new rock and roll, from the Beatles to Our Lady Peace; I'm a huge T. Hip fan; like some alternative and a little heavy metal but not into rap, hip-hop or country, except for some old country crooners like Jim Reeves (only once in awhile though). When the tunes are really good I have to sing and I love to dance too!
In my spare time, (of which I have quite a lot), I like to read. My favorite authors are Dean Koontz, John Saul, Stephen King and I enjoy fantasy stories, especially those by Terry Brooks, Robert Jordan and Piers Anthony. I'd like to live in a fantasy world where magic rules and the mythical creatures can be your friends. Imagine meeting a beautiful unicorn in a flower filled field or riding a dragon over mountains and vales. In my magical fantasy world, there'd be love and happiness, no pain.
I have lots of other interests as well, some of which I no longer pursue - especially since I discovered the Internet! When I lived in the logging communities I loved working with wood and wood burls, making fireplace mantels, shelves, clocks and other knick knacks. I've done some art work using fungi and I love to color, especially doodle arts. I'm teaching myself to play the electronic keyboard but don't expect I'll ever make a living at that!!!
Basically, I'm a down to earth type of gal. I love the country life but want some of the perks of the city too.
So that's about it, that's me!

Here a couple of photos. On the left is a picture taken of my son, Calin and I in August, 1999, as we were preparing to attend a wedding.
The other is an older photo taken of myself.

I hope you'll visit my other creations as well. I have devoted a couple of pages to my animals, both real and cyber and have also designed a few fantasy pages. I had a blast creating and am very proud of my fantasy pages, but they take forever to load! I'm still very new at this computer stuff, especially web page design. I will endeavor to learn how to manipulate my graphics in order that they load faster. So, please feel free to check back often as I re-arrange my cyber homes. I will gladly accept tips and suggestions from you, my friends. Computer wizards are especially welcome!

Happy surfing to you all and if you'd like a reciprocal visit, please leave your URL in my guestbook!


MSANIMALUVR'S DEN - The first of my critter's pages! Come on, get licked!
OUR CYBER ZOO - "My Dream" poem and home to some cyber orphans.
SHANDA'S PAGE - A page dedicated to my old dog, Shanda, including "A Dog's Prayer".
DARK WORLD OF FANTASY - The first in my series of Fantasy Pages - worth checking out, I think!


GOTYAGESIN'S HOMEPAGE - My best friend and puter tutor's page
MYISTERE'S HOME PAGE - My Best Friend's Newest Page

Please sign the guest book and tell us who you are!