Tyara - member of High Reaches Weyr and D*** proud of it!

Ahh, where to start... Tya is my only female character, and she is just the most adorable thing you've ever... ok, ok, so she's mean, bitchy and a /hoot/ to play! She's the youngest of my original chars on HT, and she was made because I loved High Reaches Weyr so much I wanted two chars there - one of them moved though, but Tya's stuck around.

[FrozenDelights] Tyara: Soooo, two problem ride your bus to school and they could be solved through masturbating?
[FrozenDelights] Lis elucidates: They're /extrememly/ horny guys.

Description and personality:


She stands tall, lush curves creating an hourglass-shaped figure that bears the marks of a couple of childbirths. Fine, flaxen tresses curl slightly as they cascade down her back. Piercing green eyes, always on alert, stand out in contrast to almost-flawless golden skin. Her poise is confident, finely crafted features often drawn in a scowl or a snarl. Her motions are efficient and fluid, there are no nervous gestures, no waste of energy.
Black and blue twist on Tya's shoulder in a double corded, single looped knot, which along with a long tail indicates her status as head nanny of High Reaches Weyr.

Move to top!

I'll have more IC info on Tya up shortly, promise! :-) In the meantime, please explore my logs below!

Here are some logs of events in Tya's life:

Tyara meets a new person and it turns out to be a pretty interesting encounter...

Tyara has a talk with greenrider Catia of High Reaches Weyr and learn a little more about the life of dragnoriders.

The brats, riders and nannies of High Reaches Weyr go on a picnic. And it's... interesting!

One of the brats decides to play dirty with Tya. But that's not a good idea...

Read here how it happened when Tyara was Searched for gold Chayath and brown Tyrodinth's clutch!

Tyara didn't Impress a dragon, but her fellow Candidate and now greenrider Lis Impressed green Alymath. And her maiden flight turns out... interesting for Tya :->

The Weyrlings graduate! Read how the living caverns were decorated.

Senior Weyrwoman at High Reaches Weyr, Areiah, needed a haircut, and Tyara almost fell asleep in the water during it.

The Bet! This log is pretty long, but I'm telling you, it's hilarious! Definitely worth a read!

A lot of things happen in this log... it starts as a catfight but turns into a bet which results in a promotion, a Search and a newly-discovered pregnancy.

In this log another pregnancy is discovered - but the mother-to-be certainly isn't happy about it!

And then comes the natural result of being pregnant: Giving birth!

Ok, when Tya was Searched we had a channel for all the Candidates... and this channel has turned out, shall we say, not exactly PG rated :-P Here's one example of many...

More logs to come soon!