You are currently sitting on Rati Kshatriya's homepage....
...Ouch! You're sitting RIGHT on its tail....
...*Smile* That's better. *SIGH OF RELIEF*
Don't you just HATE it when you're the
th person to end up on someone's homepage????? *GRIN*
Speaking of just hating things.... In a grouchy mood? Grouch to me--tell me your pet peeve! *GRIN* I'll post the best GET YOUR 15 MINUTES OF FAME on my PET PEEVES PAGE might even get in the Peevish People's Hall of Fame, if you prove that your peeve is irritating enough! So...see you in Peevers' Paradise! To see MY pet peeves, go closer to the bottom of this page....
Thanks for complaining! *GRIN*
Gratuitous pic. Don't complain.
*Smile* Well, welcome to Rati Kshatriya's homepage...a little belatedly, granted, but isn't a belated welcome better than none at all? *Wink* It's late at night...that's this page's disclaimer. LOL!
Anyway, I just realized I've put up a homepage with lots of rubbish and pictures, and a...well...ah...INTERESTING background, and not a WORD about myself! For those of you who are curious, or just painfully bored, I shall say a few words about myself. Tell me to
put a sock in it if I say too many. I have a tendency to blether indefinitely, and to digress into random miscellany. It rained all day today, and the forecast says it's going, just kidding! I'm not THAT bad! Anyway, I'm...Oh, rats...I hate trying to explain myself, because I'm inexplicable. Sort of like one of those wierd weather phenomena....
I'm a wandering artist-person, essentially. I'm nothing! I'm nobody! LOL! Well, actually, I'm looking for a job.... I'll tell you what it is when I find one. I'm a musician...(piano, violin, and tin whistle)...but, above all, I'm an artist. (Visual, that is.) I draw, paint, sculpt, carve, and use up unbelievable amounts of paper. *Grin*
I draw anything and everything, and irritate people by drawing on desks and staircases.... But that's another story.
What I Like:
Italian opera, especially of the Romantic period (ie--Verdi, Puccini, &c, &c). Books of any description, especially science-fiction, art books (and I DO mean art--not pornography), fantasy, Chaucer, and modern Canadian literature (for instance...Ondaatje), and East Indian literature of all periods. Art.... (Yeah, yeah, yeah...I'll stop talking about art, already.... Anything beautiful. Church music. Music in general...especially classical.... Sitting around with my friends, doing nothing in particular, talking about nothing important, and wasting time while having a generally good time.... (Did that make ANY sense? If so, I am as surprised as you are.)
Pop-tarts. These things are the best of Western food, I swear. The only food I prefer to Pop-tarts is chapatis, but one has to actually MAKE chapatis...they don't come in a box *SIGH*, so I have pop-tarts FAR more often.
Things I really DON'T like:
I can't think of too many of those...but I do have some *BIG OLD GRIN* The dreaded SEINFELD EFFECTS!!!!! These occur at the oddest moments....
For example: My hypothetical friend, Joe Blow Lou Franckel-Bob Leckowski, and myself, are sitting around in the reading-room at some university library, and we have the following conversation:
Joe Blow Lou Franckel-Bob Leckowski: Hey, Rati!
Rati Kshatriya: Hey what?
JBLF-BL: I don't know. Just hey.
RK: Why hey? Why does it have to be "Hey", as opposed to "Straw", or...or..."Cactus"?
JBLF-BL: Cactus? What's CACTUS? Why did you just say "Cactus"? Is something WRONG with you? What kind of person says "Cactus"?
RK: I don't know! Do I really need a reason to say "Cactus"
JBLF-BL: I don't understand why people say things with NO reason at all. There should always be a REASON behind....
Well, you get the picture. A Seinfeld Effect occurs when a conversation turns into a cheap Seinfeld facsimile, and begins to
feel distinctly--unreal.... *Spooky music* LOL!
Another thing that REALLY gets my goat is PEOPLE WHO DRIVE LIKE MANIACS! And there's a good reason why I hate them...I, myself, am an abysmal driver. My sense of spatial perception is negligible, so I can't tell where any part of the car is at any given I'm always hitting things like curbs, stop-signs, and squirrels. *SIGH* Anyway, I've NEVER hit another car, yet, since I do drive safely, and keep to the speed limits. However, when OTHER people do not drive safely, I can't always tell what they're doing, due to this BAD depth-perception, and wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time to avoid a collision. That's why I hate reckless drivers. *KICKS reckless drivers* Grr. Same goes for DRUNK drivers, but doubly so.
Second-hand smoke *puff, puff, puff*.... Sorry, smokers.... Drunk people...well, I can't think of ANYONE who actually LIKES drunk people.... *LOL!* Carrots, baked beans, and sticky caramel goo. Evil computers (!!!!!!!!!!) People who go OUT OF THEIR WAY to insult other people. *GLARE!* I'm afraid I'm not a very hateful person...can't think of any more things I hate at the moment.
Hmmmm...seems I have ONE MORE THING to add to my list of things that get my goat today.... People who think Disney is better than Japanese animation.... *Sigh* I was reading some reviews of Ninja Scroll on the Net this afternoon, and was really irritated by the shallow put-downs some people, who obviously knew little about the genre, gave the film. They appeared to be missing the point, entirely, especially those who claimed that Ninja Scroll had a trite, predictable storyline. Although the story has been told before, in various forms, it loses no value in the retelling, UNLIKE those done-to-death DISNEY things, which add nothing to the ancient stories they attempt to resurrect (in the form of limp zombies, it seems....). To be quite honest, the art in most Japanese animations, and ESPECIALLY in Ninja Scroll is far superior to those silly little DISNEY critters. Talking animals, indeed. *Snort*. Despite some adult content, and some disturbing scenes, I found Ninja Scroll moving in a way that no Disney flick could ever be.
Apart from anything else, the art of Yoshiaki Kawajiri is absolutely phenomenal...I was transfixed by its beauty for the entire 94 minutes. For those who think cartoons can't be great art, I have one thing to say.... *Grin* PSHAW! *Smile* Sorry about that...ah...tirade.... Just a little miffed about some JUDGEMENTAL WESTERNERS who think that Disney's flicks are the greatest of animation, and that, unless a tale has a happy conclusion, it is rubbish. (BTW, I'm a Westerner myself...I'm not insulting ALL Westerners...only judgemental ones.)
I KNOW! I KNOW! THIS HOMEPAGE IS BIZARRE, AND STRANGE, AND UNPOLISHED, AND...USELESS.... LOL! I'll put up some nice, aesthetically pleasing pictures if I can find a scanner....