Emergency Glossary

This page includes definitions of operational terms and the meanings of commonly accepted acronyms used in the Virtual Emergency Operations Center. All definitions are drawn from official sources; where appropriate these are cited in parentheses at the start of the definition.


Alert - (nuclear power station) an actual or potential substantial degradation of plant safety. Any releases are expected to be limited to small fractions of EPA Protective Action Guidelines exposure levels.

BLACK - no capability to perform this function exists in this organization.

Category I Hurricane - a hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 74 to 95 mph (64 to 83 knots).

Category II Hurricane - a hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 96 to 110 mph (83 to 96 knots).

Category III Hurricane - a hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 111 to 130 mph (96 to 113 knots).

Category IV Hurricane - a hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 131 to 155 mph (114 to 135 knots).

Category V Hurricane - a hurricane with maximum sustained winds greater than 155 mph (135 knots).

General Emergency - (nuclear power station) actual or imminent substantial core deghradation or melting with potential for loss of containment integrity. Releases are expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guidelines exposure levels off-site for more than the immediate site area.

Great Hurricane - a hurricane of Category III, IV, or V.

GREEN - reporting organization is fully mission capable with no degradation resulting from the impact of an emergency.

Notification of Unusual Event - (nuclear power station) unusual events are in progress or have happened indicating a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant. No releases of radioactive material requiring off site response or monitoring are expected.

Readiness Condition 1 - (Volume 2, COVEOP) a state of readiness assumed when forecasts indicate a hurricane impact within 24 hours up to 72 hours after impact.

Readiness Condition 2 - (Volume 2, COVEOP) a state of readiness assumed when forecasts indicate a possible hurricane impact on Virginia within 48 to 24 hours.

Readiness Condition 3 - (Volume 2, COVEOP) a state of readiness assumed when forecasts indicate a possible hurricane impact on Virginia within 72 to 48 hours.

Readiness Condition 4 - (Volume 2, COVEOP) a state of readiness assumed when forecasts indicate a possible hurricane impact on Virginia within 120 to 72 hours.

Readiness Condition 5 - (Volume 2, COVEOP) routine operations during hurricane season.

RED - reporting organization is not capable of performing its mission capable due to degradation resulting from the impact of an emergency.

Site Area Emergency - (nuclear power station) actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed for public protection. Any releases are not expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guidelines exposure levels near the site boundary.

Tropical Disturbance - an area of disturbed weather in the tropics (below 30 degrees North latitude).

Tropical Depression - an organized system of clouds and thunderstorms with a defined circulation and maximum sustained winds of 38 mph (33 knots) or less.

Tropical Storm - an organized system of strong thunderstorms with a defined circulation and maximum sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph (34-63 knots).

Tropical Storm Watch - tropical storm conditions pose a threat to coastal areas within 36 hours.

Tropical Storm Warning - tropical storm conditions are expected in a specific coastal area within 24 hours.

Virtual Emergency Operations Center - an Internet based facility that performs emergency management functions using a distributed electronic architecture

Virtual Incident Command System - the standard National Wildfire Coordinating Group Incident Command System modified for operation of a Virtual Emergency Operations Center

YELLOW - reporting organization has suffered some degradation of its ability to perform its mission due to the impact of an emergency.


AAR - After Action Report

ARC - American Red Cross

CISM - Critical Incident Stress Management

COVEOP - Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan

DES - Virginia Department of Emergency Services

EMAC - Emergency Management Assistance Compact

EMS - emergency medical services

ENDEX - end of exercise

EOC - Emergency Operations Center

EOP - emergency operations plan

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

ESC - Emergency Support Center

ESF - Emergency Support Function

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

IAP - incident action plan

ICS - incident command system

LDRTF - Local Disaster Recovery Task Force

NVOAD - National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

OEMS - Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services

SERTEX - State Emergency Response team Exercise

STARTEX - start of exercise

USSC - United States Service Command

VDOT - Virginia Department of Transportation

VDH - Virginia Department of Health

VEOC - Virtual Emergency Operations Center

VICS - Virtual Incident Command System

VOAD - Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster


FSCV - Finance/Administration Section Chief

ICTV - Incident Commander

LSCV - Logistics Section Chief

OPBD - Operations Branch Director

OSCV - Operations Section Chief

PSCV - Plans Section Chief

RESL - Resources Unit Leader

SITL - Situation Unit Leader

SPUL - Supply Unit Leader

TIME - Time Unit Leader

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