Welcome To My Little Piece Of The Web.
Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book. You may get a surprise.

Added June 11, 2000. This candle is placed here in honor of all who have Lupus.
For fast navigation, use the drop down menu above.
For a descriptive link, use the links provided below.
About Me
A little about my childhood and married life plus more.
Sandy's Story
Sandy's Lupus Story. How I was diagnosed and my current health status.
Sandy's Page of Inspiration
List of Sandy's Favorite Inspirational poems. This page contains poems that were created by other people. You will find the link below to some of the pages I have created.
Inspirations Page 2
On this page you will find pages that I added only backgrounds amd music. The words are not written by me. I received these by email and just had to add them.
Sandy's Cyber Adoptions
Something I did just for fun. Here you will also find my two little angels.
Sandy's Awards Page
Here you will find the Awards I have received.
Awards I Give.
These awards I plan on honoring to pages that are geared to womens diseases and illness's. UPDATED Nov 6: Added 8 new awards.
Help Pages For Webtv Users
A List Of links for Gifs, Midi's and a lot more.
Sandy's Lupus And Fibro Links
Here you will find info on Lupus and Fibromyalgia plus links to personal web pages of some of the people who suffer from these two disorders. And some who do not.
Sandy's MIDI's
As of Oct. 16, 2000, I removed my midi page due to the increasing number of copywrite lawsuits. Click the link to find out more about the lawsuits and to sign the two petitions. If you feel uncomfortable about giving all the info on them, all you need to do is give your first name and where you are from. You don't have to fill in all the info.
My Banners
Here is a list of groups that I believe in. And some that are just my favorite links.
Sandy's Webrings
Webrings I belong to.
Top Sites GIFS and Awards
Awards and Gifts I have Received from Top Sites.
Tribute to Diane. I will be adding more in the future.
Poetry by Joynheart
Index of Poems
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More webrings Here
My Awards and Gifts from Top Sites