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Who am I ? Would you like to know something about me ?

My name is Shafiullah S and I am from Afghanistan. No Worries too long a name, Friends & Colleages call me Shafi short & a nice name to remember, isn't it.I have a bug for travel and to promote new ideas and help peoples about traveling,getting free stuff and helping them in every possible way.


Here is an exciting oppurtunity for you all you who wants to stay at home moms, dads or anyone who wants to work in the comfort of your own home.!With this system anyone can do it. There’s no calling stranger or stuffing envelopes, no taking surveys. These Home Data Entry Positions earn *$300.00 - $500.00 per week, which worked for me, so can work for you too! so check this out

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I Would like to share my ideas about different countries with you all:

1.  Australia 

2.  INDIA 

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 WebPage designed by Shafi

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