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Hi thanks for stopping by. First I would like to tell you a little about myself and family. My real name is Charlotte Dubel, I am 30 years old, I graduated in 1989. I got my name Spider by talking on the CB Radio, and that is how I met my hansom husband Tim. We were married in February(Valentines Day) of 1992. We have 3 beautiful children, Brittany age 9, Donnie age 7, and Casie age 6, yes they keep us very busy. I am a stay at home mom and Tim is an over the road truck driver. We live in the southwest corner of Wisconsin.


I love spending time with my family, we like to go camping and fishing on hot summer weekends. I like going to the Endoro races (combination stock car & demolition derby), I also like going to the Drag races. I like to go deer hunting but the only thing I can get is a cold and an attitude. I like going down hill skiing, ice skating, playing softball and volleyball. On warm summer nights I like to lay on the ground by a bon fire and look up at the stars. I like to do just about anything outside. After the kids go to bed at night I like to look around on the web, it is my way of relaxing. I guess I'm just a layed back kinda person. My moto is "FAMILY FIRST", so that is where most of my time is spent, with my family.


I have been to most of the southern and western states. Of all the places I have been I like the Rocky Mountains the best, it is very beautiful out there, it can be 90 degree's and you can look up and still see snow. A few summers ago Tim and I got a babysitter for a week and went to Virginia, we ended up going to Virginia Beach, it rained the whole time we were down there, but I had never been in the ocean before so we went and walked on the beach in the rain. It was great, but boy did I miss the kids.


I like native history, Indians are very interesting, the way they live and the things they do (how they do them). Wolves are my favorite animal.


My best memories are the day we got married, it was very cold that day, but I don't think that either one of us noticed, and the days our kids were born, that is something I will never forget. Those are the best 4 days of my life.

Places I Like To Go

Badger Outlaw's™ Home On The Web
This is my Husband
Road Warrior's™ Home Page
This is my Brother In Law.
Chad Little's Homepage
If you are a fan of Chad Little check this out
Thirty Something Chat Site
This is one place I like to go and chat
Harley Davidson Web Site
If you like Harley Davidson go here
Bass Pro Shop On Line
I like fishing, you might too
Auction listings
eBbay Auction, For everything form A-Z, you will find it here

Other Pages I Have Built

Truckers Wife
My Life as a Truck Drivers Wife
The misterous animal
Rusty Wallace
Rusty Wallace and more on NASCAR
Awards Page
The Awards I have won for my site

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