Welcome to Nowhere Fast

Hi. I am aware more of time passing. And here i stand, mascara sure and lipstick lost, glitter burned by restless thoughts of being forgotten...i wonder if i have lost sight of what i set out to do over a year ago when i started this page. Image is a funny thing. Looking thru these rooms one last time i am really saddend in knowing they are being forsaken ; many dreams have fallen away. One thing is bothering me. Is this location really my problem? Or will i just not be able to truly express myself anywhere? All i know is that i have to find the answers on my own terms. I think the time for hesitation is gone. New dreams are beginning to stalk me. Perhapes there is hope.

Not Long Now....

The Haven and I have had a great year. But weve reached entrophy in our relationship. The fire is slowly dying, so enjoy it while you can. Thanks goes to these souls
As always images may be viewed by right mouse clicker (someone let me know if it has a name) Good luck...godspeed.
I need no reasons for the first time in my life
I just need to be on my way
I dont want for anything that i dont have
All i want is waiting for me there....

Of the Vast Oceans

If you cant stay, at least sign my Guestlog so ill know youve stopped by

The Tour-of-the-Kings ; the Labrynth into my Haven ~ Seek and you shall find

My Blue Heaven ; Smashing Pumpkins, my Pride and Joy =)

My Choirgirl Hotel ; My Girl Tori Amos

Beware of Those Angels With Their Wings Glued On ~ The Miko

Forest of the DwarfStar ~ Rasputina

Can You See Me Going Down ~ SwitchBlade Symphony

You Have Come Where Boys Fear to Tread times.