Hey everyone! Thanks for coming to my somewhat humble page and welcome.  If this is hard for you to read I recommend you highlight it.  So far this page has an image gallery (much more compact than last but I'll rotate the images every other month or so :p.

If you want to know vague information about the band, this is the paragraph, if not, move on.  SHAZNA began it's Major's career with the single you've heard repetitively and 6 different versions, Melty Love.  SHAZNA was officially together in 1993 when Niy joined up.  They used to have a Drummer, Katsura, but he dropped out and is now with the Visual band, Baiser (tsk tsk, naughty french name!)  Since then they've become wildly popular. However, lately they seem to be dying down (ever since TK started composing some of their music) Anyhoo, just to state the obvious, these are the band members:

IZAM; Vocalist (duh) and lyricist.
 Born 4/23/76.Height: a. 5ft.9in. (not counting shoes). Blood type O. Astrological sign is Taurus. It's easier now to figure out Izam is Male. Last year it was really difficult to tell at times!!!  Aaaaaaaaaw, he's soo cute!  Supposedly, according to interviews (and his recent marriage and divorce to Hinano), Izam is NOT GAY! ...but he never said he didn't like guys (oh my, aren't I mischievous!)  Not all transvestites are gay, in fact I'd say that makes him more of a man because his masculinity isn't threatened by material things like skirts and make-up. (yes, I'm opinionated, so there)  He's beautiful and has an amazing charisma to match his good looks. Izam's real name is Yoshikazu Hine.  Izam decided in elementary school that he wanted to play music and wear make up in public ( like Boy George! Kya! What a cute kid!).  He wanted people to think he's beautiful (he is.), and he wanted to leave his mark on the world by becoming a big hit.  When he went to go buy make-up the saleslady asked if it was for his girlfriend, he explained it was for his band and she gladly helped him. ^_^ awwwwww.  One of Izam's favorite bands is Boy George and the Culture Club (in case you couldn't guess), he hopes to be as great or greater than them. ^_^

AOI:Gutarist and composer. Born 11/8/72. Height: a. 6'0"(taller than Izam!!!! Impressive for a japanese guy!)  Blood type A. Astrological sign is Scorpio. I don't really know much about him, but from what I've read, seen and heard; he's a very talented composer and has a good sense of sound.  He seems very enthusiastic about the band and furthering their success. Lately he's been the more flamboyant member in the band (wow, even with Izam! Just a flamboyant band I guess ;p) He sings with Izam in "Romance" , "MELANCHOLY" and a lot of their earlier work and he isn't to shabby as a vocalist either.  His performance on stage tends to be a bit dramatic and he seems to have a flamboyant personality. His hair has changed colors lately almost as much as Izam! And his fashion style has turned from the sophisticate of early Shazna to a more techno look. Overall very ammusing.  But I like his new look. He looks much better with shorter hair.

NIY: Bassist and occasional composer.  Born 10/29/72.  Height:  a. 5'7" Blood type B.  Astrological sign is Scorpio.  Izam calls him NIY, as in older brother.  He's the older brother of the first bassist the band had.  He joined the band July of '93 and they started their major career.  He's the different one in the band because unlike Aoi and Izam, he wears more casual clothing.  He has two sides, the wild animalistic side for on-stage and the shy boyish side offstage.  When their single was released mainstream he went out to buy it himself even though he could get a free copy.  The guy who sold it to him didn't recognize him so he was a little disappointed.  But isn't that cute? ^_^ He seems to be a popular one with the fan girls. He's also the only member who's fashion has stayed constant.

Last Updated: 1/00
what's new?:  pictures from Winter Review
Sorry, this is all I have for now, but don't be sad, there will be so much more! ^_~ I promise.

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