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"Download Loveline in MP3 format on the NEWS page"

Stone Age Solutions for New Age Dilemmas

Hey kids, WELCOME. First off, Shelflife - Der Krieg is out! I also put up a song you can download from it, go the NEWS page. You can also now find Populace(members of Shelflife) on the "We're not Generation X" comp that is out now!! Also theres a chat room, so go in and talk mad shit. I changed the whole appearance of the Links page, IT'S GOT BANNERS NOW! Chcek it out. Enough of that, heres a little of what this is all about. Shelflife is a band who want to promote their indealistic views of peace and unity. If anything Shelflife is not so new, not so creative, not so "punk" of a band that really just want people (youth especially) to get off their asses and start doing something constructive with their lives. Shelflife doesnt believe people think very much. We want people to start using their minds to help create something new and different in the world that is positive so that life wont be so dull. Really Shelflife is just a bunch of assholes who have nothing better to do than complain about the society and the system and waste all their time trying to change the world for the better. Meanwhile, for some interesting points on alcohol, go visit Alan aka The King of Booze at The Devil's Soul Exchange. Check out our lyrics for a lifetime of enlightenment. Please don't forget to sign our Guestbook. Check out the status bar as you move your mouse over the links below...oooo neat aint it? Thanks, Bonnie

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