Anime Music

On this page I will feature one MP2 or MP3 a month. Want to see if others have the song you need? Put it up in an extra space! Then sit back and wait and see if someone has your song.
 VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE SONG! or See a list of the best anime songs voted by others

These people need the following MPEG's: -----------------------------------------------
Any Ghost in the Shell MP3's -----------------------------------------------
Any El-Hazard MP3's Trade some MPx's:
Any Please Save my Earth MP3 Get a space to get your song:
----------------------------------------------- Right here! Free!!
----------------------------------------------- Email this person: §han Field
----------------------------------------------- Then sit back and wait, it's easier than looking

If you have any of the following, E-Mail me. I'll be willing to trade. Please have them in a MP2, MP3, AU, or WAV format. But I'm only looking for the Opening Themes of each series.
unless, of course, there is a cool song from one.

Music of this month:
ADV Films "Do it Now" Theme
MP3, 256 kbps 44 kHz
Last music upload: 3/27/99
This months MP3 copyright AD Vision and ADV Films visit their webpage and buy some stuff
To my main page!
Anime Winamp Skins!!
Vote for your favorite anime music!