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Small Changes To Make A Big Different

Rasulullah s.a.w. said: Smile is a charity

We might wonder why? The statements  below will explain.

      Something as simple as a smile can make a person's day. What if you were in a grocery store and instead of wandering aimlessly from the artichokes to the zucchioni, you can actually noticed and acknowledged each person with a cheerful grin as you passed? What if you gave sincere compliments to strangers? Could you in that moment, change their emotional state enough so that the smile or compliment could be passed on to the next person they saw asa well? Could there be a domino effect set in motion by that one action? How would doing all this affect you mental emotional state - your very identity?

- Anthony Robbins

How can you change your society in a way that Allah wants? Start with yourself first even by making a simple change. Then your usrah members, and then when they understand the meaning of this very hadith and practice it, InsyaAllah there will be a big change in the society. Don't you believe?

The concept of Tarbiyyah

"If you give  a man a fish, you will feed him for a day. But if you teach him how to fish, you will feed him for the rest of his life"

Sebagai pendakwah kita tidak akan selamanya berada disamping anak-anak usrah. Suatu hari kelak kita akan pergi meninggalkan mereka. Justeru, kita tidak mahu mereka terlalu bergantung kepada kita. Didiklah mereka supaya berdikari. Kerana suatu hari nanti, mereka mungkin akan keseorangan dan tiada lagi naqib yang akan menegur dan memberi petunjuk. Di waktu itu, hanya sistem tarbiyyah yang berkesanlah yang dapat menjamin mereka kekal dalam amalan-amalan yang soleh.