anzacbasket.gif (25930 bytes) fwelc1.gif (3241 bytes) To The ANZAC Day edition of  Clean Up The Unions In Local Government Campaign 2000

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How many Australians have died in vain over this past one hundred years?.

How many have freely  given of their lives in defence of those that they believed to be of the same family?.

How many have given freely of their lives in defence of the common beliefs?

How many have be betrayed by Communist/Fascist Unions?

The numbers are incalculable , we must consider those that have gone to battle and have survived , the trauma these heroes have suffered and the torment that their remaining lives must have been , as the politicians and Communist Trade Unions slandered , libelled and defamed  these heroes for the crime of serving our Nation.

It is only today that the valiant Heroes of the Vietnam conflict have been accorded the welcome that should have been given them thirty years ago. How many have died through injuries sustained or from contamination of the chemicals used during this conflict. How many have suffered from the ostraisation not only encouraged but in some cases demanded by Communist controlled Unions.This suffering and these deaths are not in the hands of our past  enemies , the blood of these young men are in our hands , and we must make amends  for the sins of rejection we have imposed upon these Valiant Warriors.

A Nation to survive must have a;


The common possession of a rich heritage of memories: also the actual agreement and desire to live together , and the will to preserve worthily the joint inheritance. To share the glories of the past and a common will in the present: to have done great deeds together and to desire to do more - these are the essential conditions of a people's being."

  Have we as a nation lost this purpose?

We have become like the Tower of Babel , a cacophony of babblers no better than screeching monkeys in a background of seditious , traitorous rambling's from those , who have throughout our history betrayed our Nation , those mercenaries that walk hand in hand , for one cannot survive without the other ; the opportunist and predator , and the Communist/Fascist (there is no difference)  Unions , between them they create an illusion of  fear , and in this illusion  we feel a need for protection , and so we vacillate from one to the other in our confusion , like a frightened fox with the hounds on its tail. Let us Stop! And face these illusory Demons who would haunt us! These figments of our over active imagination , these remnants from our past , when we had to hide in caves. When we had to be prostrate to the master or be whipped.

We are slaves to no man!

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Free yourself from Union Bondage

These same events are being repeated today , false rumors are abound about the reorganisation of our defence forces.

There has been an examination of the costs of our defence , and this has revealed that the greatest cost and biggest reward goes to the ancillary sections of our defence forces. That is civilians employed in positions that have not changed , in some cases from World War 1 , these people (because of union membership) have succeeded in evading the modernisation of our State of Defence. They have hidden away in corners and behind our refrigerators  sight unseen, away  from the public audit. Now is the time to remove these nibblers of the corn  , these people of the night , and ensure that our defence tax is properly accounted for , and in doing so , with this extra funding we may eventually be able to repay some of the debt owed to our Valiant Soldiers.

Surely this would be preferable that continuing to permit these ravenous fanatical  socialist rats to empty our resources and pollute our nation.

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Don't be an Ostrich

Come back to Earth

Remove your head from Uranus

Resign from the Union


Derrick the Derelict

The Unions ex. ILO & UN delegate says :

"We want to send your jobs off shore to help those who are less well of than you , and perhaps we can encourage a few more boat people to do your jobs a lower wage. Not only that they won't whinge and complain about how we run the Union.

"Join me in the Union"

Lets all sink together

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Derrick the Derelict recommends that if you are in the Sydney Area tune into


cowbob.gif (29685 bytes) between 6:00am and 9:00am on Wednesdays  , on 88.1 FM. He also suggests that you contribute to Pauline Hanson's Fighting Fund. After which you can go and bite yer BUM.....DD...



Visit Resignation.htm , for a print out form.

Visit Deductions.htm , for a print out form.

Regain yourself your esteem resign from the Union


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Click"HERE" for Video Clip of Union Negotiators Busy At Work.(Large file may be slow

Hey Bill"Remember doing out nasho , when we went to nam , and I pissed the bed the night before. "Well Ben""I think it was those commie led protestors ,they made us feel like crap."But when we got there the comadrie was terrific , we knew we had to rely on one another." "Yeah, that's right Bill"" We had a common purpose , we didn't need any backstabbing Commie Union Bosses then."

"See you all at the ANZAC day parade"

"Just look for Derrick The Derilict he  answered the call"

Okay , Lets Contact Employee Advocate and get the Good Oil.

lunchtime_md_wht.gif (7800 bytes) Lets Just Hope Before their Union Meeting they take their.......Daily Dose Of.....
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Contact: : Ph/Fx: 61 + 2 85885054 or 0285885054