join_md_clr.gif (9951 bytes) fwelc1.gif (3241 bytes) To the  Clean Up The Unions In Local Government Campaign 2000

Clean up the Unions in Local Government

Latest Scoop on Union Press Gang Campaign

Clean up the Unions in Local Government , have in  a secret covert operation  uncovered the secret weapon of Trade Unions to stop the mass exodus from the Union Movement , and recruit new members straight from school dropout , work for the dole sessions.

It is called 




Local Government Unions

Member Recruitment

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This 50 year program is to be facilitated by Lance D'Boyle when he is released from the mental health assessment centre.

Lance who is at present recuperating from his last foray into the battle against Union Members , has isolated himself while he formulates policies on retaining Union Membership without attacking them.

He has made several conclusions , the main one being that unless there is anyone employed in Local Government , there is little chance of retaining or recruiting Union Members. Unfortunately Lance has reached an obstacle at this point as there is almost no-one left in Local Government , never mind anyone who trusts the Unions.

Theo Thetak'e the political arm of this operation , has suggested that it would be astute ,to attempt to recruit school dropouts , before they get into the workforce through the "Work For The Dole" scheme , and are educated by older workers.

Particularly students from our recalcitrant neighbours to the North!

Theo Thetak'e says

"Come on Down!"

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"Bring your money with you"

He has also indicated that he may be able to accommodate with a D-Day type Armada ,  the recruitment of a considerable number of non-English speaking members , who will do as they are told , and will pay commissions ;

"At A Price!"

The Union Committee on Ethics , is now considering how to fit this recruitment drive into its next budget , a government grant may be one option - that is   if a socialist government is elected at the next Federal Election.

It has also been suggest that in New South Wales , a few gambling expeditions to Wentworth Park ,(while discussions on its future use) before the next election ,  might be of some help , and the there was the suggestion of  Union owned   poker machines in  Union owned  Drinking Dens , situated in the Workplace.



For a first class trip to a Union Hell, it has been suggested by

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That Union Members 

rather than 

"Riding the Goat"

Try  rolling up their left trouser leg and "getonboard" a computer, for a trip to hell with the Union of your choice.

As this is only in the embryonic stage we will keep you aware of future events.

We would also like to apoligise for the lack of reports over the past two months , but we have been on tour visiting trouble spots in which Unions have been inviolved , including the island of Fiji.

There will be further reports on this issue.

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Don't be an Ostrich

Come back to Earth

Remove your head from Uranus

Local Government Employees

Resign from the Union


Derrick the Derelict

The Unions ex. ILO & UN delegate says :

"Well we done pretty wel in Fiji, we almost starved those indigenous trouble makers out of existence , its just unfortunate we nedd the sugar , to make the Rum

"Join me in the Union"

Lets all sink together

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Derrick the Derelict recommends that if you are in the Sydney Area tune into


cowbob.gif (29685 bytes) between 6:00am and 9:00am on Wednesdays  , on 88.1 FM. He also suggests that you contribute to Pauline Hanson's Fighting Fund. After which you can go and bite yer BUM.....DD...



Visit Resignation.htm , for a print out form.

Visit Deductions.htm , for a print out form.

Regain yourself your esteem resign from the Union


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Click"HERE" for Video Clip of Union Negotiators Busy At Work.(Large file may be slow

Hey Bill"Big changes are a'comming at South Sydney now that there is a new council"

"Yeah, and what about Canada Bay ?"

Its  about time too"

Okay , Lets Contact Employee Advocate and get the Good Oil.

lunchtime_md_wht.gif (7800 bytes) Lets Just Hope Before their Union Meeting they take their.......Daily Dose Of.....
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Contact: : Ph/Fx: 61 + 2 85885054 or 0285885054