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Some of my favourite Sights

Ye Old Tavern
A great place to chat with friends.
Electronical Mail
No excuse not to email me now..*s*
ICQ. my uin number is 6479095
Another place where you will find me..
Oh My Goodness
A funny place to select greetings cards.
Greeting Cards
Just some lovely cards to send...
Guest Books
a very easy guestbook for your Home Page
My wonderful state
A Guide to Australia
Everything you need to know..
Year 2000 Olympic Games
Visit this site to see how it is progressing.
Dream Time.
Images from our Aboriginal people
Maps of the Great Barrier Reef
Just so you don't get lost..*lol*
Slide Show
Just select a pic.
Western Australia
State on the west side of Australia
South Australia
Known as the City of Churches
A very pretty State
New South Wales
A very busy State
The home of our Prime Minister
Northern Territory
Now this is one Hot State
Another little Ireland
Everything you need to know about becoming an Aussie
Everything you need to know about Migrating
Hundreds of pics for you to choose from.
Come and see where I live
If you get lost look For Queensland

Greeting from The Land Down Under.....

Hello everyone...*s*.... First of all I would like to tell you abit about my wonderful country Australia. I'm sure you have heard the saying "Beautiful One Day and Perfect The Next". Well I'm here to tell you that is so true.

It has 7 wonderful states... Queensland,New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory. I live in Brisbane which is the capital of Queensland which is on the east coast of Australia. Which I might add is also the best state. But then I think Aussie Jen would disagree with me on that..She comes from Perth which is in Western Australia. We have such beautiful places like wonderful beaches for swimming and the Great Barrier Reef. Just a bit of info for you about the Reef.. The Great Barrier Reef It is very important to Australians yet it is in constant danger due to oil tankers sailing through it fairly frequently. The largest reef in the world measuring 2011 km in lengthand 72 km across at its widest point. It is one of Australia's greatest assets.The magnificent reef runs along virtually the entire coast of Queensland. Considered one of the world's natural wonders, it is the most extensive reef system and the biggest structure made by living organisms on earth. In the north, the reef is virtually continuous and is located only 50km from the shore. In the south, individual reefs are more common, and in some places up to 300km offshore. Hundreds of islands dot the reef area. One of the reef's unforgettable attractions is an underwater encounter with the countless colourful, exotic and bizarre sea creatures that live there. Of the many hundreds of varieties of coral growing on the reef,the predominant varieties are "staghorn" brain" and "table",are all pretty aptly named. Here are just some of the Islands:Heron, Lady Elliot and Lizard, Bedarra, Hayman, Lizard, Green and Orpheus, Lady Elliot, Magnetic and Hook, Dunk, Great Keppel and Hinchinbrook and South Molle.

I have meet some truly wonderful people in my travels in the real life and on the net. My best friend in real life is just the most wonderful friend anyone could be possibly have. She is just so kind and considerate and we have so much fun together in real life and on here. Her handle is Blossom. So if you see us together in the Tavern just beware.*lol* We keep saying *The Devil made us do it* Now you may be thinking what devil. Well the Tasmanian Devil of course. Mind you we don't bite like they do. Well not as hard anyway. *lol*. Ok twist my arm. This is abit about the Devil. The Tasmanian Devil was found all around Australia, but farmers thought they were killing all the livestock, so they killed them off. SIZE The size of the male Tasmanian Devil is about 90cm long and weighs about 8 kilograms, whereas the female is about 80cm and weighs about 6 kilograms. It's strong powerful jaw eats the bones and all of it's prey, which is smaller animals, birds and reptiles. Female Devils have a backwards-opening pouch with four teats and the usual litter is four young.

I'll just say a little bit about myself. I have a wonderful daughter who is 18 years old. She will be 19 this coming May. We are not only mother and daughter but we are the best of friends. They way it is going I think she will never leave home. Actually all her friends keep telling me (or is it threatening me) that they are moving in with us. Well if that happens I'm out of here. *lol*. So i might be looking for a bed in the very near future. (Any offers out there..*lol*).

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some of the wonderful people i have met
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Some of my Favourite Jokes
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