Welcome to the Agassiz CyberKid Page
This site represents the work of students and teachers
at the Agassiz Elementary School, Jamaica Plain, MA.
It was created and is maintained by RozR:Agassiz School
What's New?

Sponsored by Sun Microsystems
Thank you to our gracious
NetDay sponsor, Sun Microsystems.
Mass NetDay '96
We are proud to be one of 100 schools to participate
in Massachusetts NetDay '96.
Time Travelers
Visit this new section and travel back in time with us.
RFK New Bio of 1960's hero
Robert Kennedy
Searching Section
Are you looking for something on the Internet? Maybe we can help you
find it. You can conduct a search from this home page compliments of the Magellan Internet Guide.
Type a word or words which describe what you are looking for then press search. You will need to
press the back button to return to this page.
Thank you for joining us. We continually update this site.
Please visit us again soon.

Number of visitors to this site since 5/1/96:
Please send any comments to Agassiz