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Pets That Have Gone To The Rainbow Bridge

Just the other side of Heaven is a place called The Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,
that pet goes to The Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for
all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is
plenty of food, water and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who have been ill and old are restored to health and vigor...
those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again...
just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content except for one small thing...
they each miss someone very special, someone who was left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops
and looks into the distance. Their bright eyes are intent... their eager
body begins to quiver. Suddenly, they break from the group, flying over
the grass faster and faster. You have been spotted and you and your special friend
finally meet together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.

The happy kisses rain upon your face...
your hands again caress the beloved head
and you look once more into those trusting eyes so long from your life...
but never absent from your heart.

Then, you cross over the Rainbow Bridge together...

A Poem For Duffy, one of my animal care customers


It was sad, but was time for you to go
and Duffy surely did love you so.

A beautiful horse you were indeed
and in her eyes a magnificent steed.

She took good care of you---
for many years,
and now when thinking of you
sheds many a tear.

Although your stall stands empty
her heart is filled
With the memories of your spirit
that death can not still.

By TipperWolf Jan. 99

A Poem For Ellen
One of my animal care customers


Another Angel has risen above
a beautiful cat who was surely loved.
She was older in years and was
white as snow.
and it really wasn't her time to go.
She had a slight limp and enjoyed
her food,
and loved to play with her toys,
when in the mood.
So...Angel, goodbye I say.
I'm glad I could take care of
you when your Mom was away.

By TipperWolf Jan. 99

For My Sister, Pat


It's been awhile since you left
Up to heaven for an eternal rest.

Your big brown eyes
with such a human touch...
Gave a warm feeling
we all loved so much.

Sophie and Hannah now at her side lie
But Sadie too is also near and
walking, softly by.

A bond once formed, is never gone
Even if the one close to you
has moved on.
TipperWolf Nov. 98.

This poem is for Adam and family


The Rainbow Bridge has another guest...
his name is Luke and he was the best.
He filled your lives with fun and joy
and to you all....was a good ole boy.
Someday down the line
you will meet again,
stopping at the Rainbow Bridge
to pick up a friend
and greet those who left before him.
Now together you all will be
Spirits floating like a feather
wild and free.

By TipperWolf 1999

I would like to dedicate this poem to

You were the apple of our eye
and now you are at a place
far away from here...
way up so high.

The Rainbow Bridge now you grace...
waiting for that day when together
our Spirits will embrace.

By TipperWolf June 1999

" Together"

To my many beloved pets I've lost
throughout the years
When thinking of you I still
shed a tear
You brought much warmth and joy
which I did love
You will never be forgotten
and always thought of
Some I bought, some were strays
others from the pound
But my love was truly
very real and profound
At the Rainbow Bridge
we someday will meet
And together we will be--FREE
But until that day
just wait for me
Until I come your way

By TipperWolf Nov. 1999


Many tears did flow
when your gentle spirit
knew it was time to go.
What a handsome boy you were
with such fluffy white hair.
We miss you Ben--that's for sure
But now you are in a place
all whole and new,
for the Rainbow Bridge you do grace.

By TipperWolf May 2000

Benny and Max were companions for many years.


More tears did flow
when your gentle Spirit
also had to go.
What a handsome boy you were
with your flowing brown coat
You also will be missed--
that's for sure
But now you are in a place
all whole and new,
for the Rainbow Bridge
You too, grace.

By TipperWolf May 2000

A Poem for

You came to us as a stray
a soul lost and on his own.
We surely couldn't turn you away
so never again were you alone.

Oh how we miss you so
you wonderful loving boy.
It's always so hard to let one go,
to our lives you brought much joy.

The Rainbow Bridge now is your home,
Kit and Mose will guide you around.
Such a wonderful place to roam
whole and well in a new playground

Way -- way down the line
our paths will meet again.
For then our Spirits will entwine
and a new day we shall begin.

By TipperWolf 8/15/2000

A Poem for


Good bye my friend
you will be missed
your life now sadly did end.
A safe journey we all do wish
as your Spirit does gently ascend.

The Rainbow Bridge now you call home
where you're whole and well again.
Like a star--you have shone
and a new life you shall begin.

By TipperWolf 6/15/2000

A Poem for

Such a wonderful life you had,
we all loved you so very much.
Now we are feeling so so sad
as our lives you greatly did touch.

For seventeen years you did live,
your age surely never did show.
So full of life and active,
but now you had to go.

Father time finally called you,
to the Rainbow Bridge you did go.
That is why we are so blue,
but OH how your Spirit does glow.

---Good Bye Sweet Tinks---

by TipperWolf 12/3/2000

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