Webtv Tricks
Bg Sounds
Copy, Cut & Paste


There are two types of backgrounds you can put on your home page or e-mail. They are plain color and image backgrounds.

To put a plain color background in which the background is all one color on your page, use this code:

<<>body bgcolor="color"<>>

Just replace "color" with the name or number of your color.

To put an image background in which the background is made up of tiled images on your page, use this code:

<<>body background="http://url of bg"<>>

Note: If you didn't already know how to do this, you should go to my beginners page where everything is explained better. This is an advanced page, but the code I just gave you is not advanced, it was only placed on this page for those who have never encountered HTML before. If this is the case, go here.

Otherwise, stay and check this out. Do you want a moving background? If so, insert the code under the following example:

Click Here

The code used was:

<<>body background="url of bg" yspeed=10<>>

If you want the background to move left to right use xspeed=10 instead of yspeed=10. You can always play with the numbers to get the desired speed. WARNING: There is a down side to this code which prevents its excessive use. When placed on web pages or e-mails, it slows the gifs down or doesn't allow them to animate at all. This code can not be used in the background of a table...I've tried.