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This is the page where I tell you how to make linkable text, regular text and visited links all the same color. I will also tell you how to make 3-D text, shadow text or embossed text. There is also an explanation on how to italicize text, make text bolder, or make text look like it came from a type writer.

Let us start things off by making the text on our page all one color. To do this, insert text="color" into your <<>body<>> tag. If you don't know what the <<>body<>> tag is, you need to go here. It should look like this:

<<>body bgcolor="color" text="color"<>>

Just replace "color" with the color you want.

To make all links a different color, use this code:

<<>body bgcolor="color" text="color" link="color"<>>

To make all visited links a different color, use this code:

<<>body bgcolor="color" text="color" link="color" vlink="color"<>>

When using text under special surcumstances in which you want to change the words' look or color, you have to use a <<>font<>> tag before the words like this:

<<>font size="#" color="color"<>>

You should have already known that. What you may not have known, however, is that you can make your text either become 3-D, shadow, or embossed by adding an attribute to this tag.

To make your text look like it is 3-D, use this code in your <<>font<>> tag. You can not use this in your <<>body<>> tag with your text code.

<<>font size="#" color="color" effect="relief"<>>

To make your text shadowed, use this code in your <<>font<>> tag:

<<>font size="#" color="color" effect="shadow"<>>

To make your text embossed, use this code in your <<>font<>> tag:

<<>font size="#" color="color" effect="emboss"<>>

Once you have finished writing the text that you wish to be different than normal, use <<>/font<>> after your last word. This tells the computer to stop making your font different. You can always start another section of text using another <<>font<>> tag and repeating the process, but if you do not specify a <<>font<>> your text will be normal (what you stated in your <<>body<>> tag)

There are other special tags that make your text either italic, bold, or typewriter. They are:

<<>i<>> (Hello)
<<>b<>> (Hello)
<<>tt<>> (Hello)

Just place one of these tags before the text you wish to be changed. Place a <<>/i<>> <<>/b<>> or <<>/tt<>> tag after once you have finished writing that special text.

Once you have finished adding all the adjustments to the text on your web page, you can have words like this: