Hola my friends..bonjour to all you french people...well this is pretty much a pretty useless page of pretty uselessjunk which will remain nameless...Hmm let's see. I am into a lot of things lately! One of them being...(c'mon..big fanfare you guys)Dead Milkmen!!!
Hmm, this page has just been sittin here lately collectin dust, but I'm gonna start puttin stuff up again! Whoopee! Alrighty then..more stuff about me..wanna check out a really kick ass page but don't know how??? Well just clickhere and you'll be there...but don't go yet!! Keep on lookin here! Bands I'm into at the moment are Oasis,Radiohead, Dead Milkmen, The Cure, Ben Folds Five, Reel Big Fish, Everclear, Sqiurrel Nut Zippers, MxPx, Blink 182, The Who..speaking of the Who.... me two fav members are....Keith Moon and Pete Townshend..for more on the Who click here But remember to come back..now..how about a form?
Pages on Oasis (yes my concert experience will be there!),Ben Folds Five, Cornershop, Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Blink 182, The Cure, South Park, Violent Femmes, Everckear, etc...and speaking of South park guess who's gonna be on on Feb. 18??? ROBERT SMITH!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEAH BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks South Park, I love you man..
There ya go..hmm..well that's all folks! Or should I say folcks...yes do you know what folcks are? Unless you are Jocelyn or Sarah Fairy (heeheee) you shouldn't. If you do, I am majorly scared of you.....wait! One more thing! I know those pics look smashing don't they? Yeah..right.. Let's dance on !! Okay..well I gotta jet..so BYE !MAIL ME IN ALL MY SMELLINESS ! Er..that's me !