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Dr. V. Balabaskaran

Professor, Hydroturbomachines Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT-Madras, Chennai-600036

Email: vbala@iitm.ac.in

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Contents of this Page (click to go to the topic)

  1. Qualifications

  2. Major Areas of Interest

  3. Courses Taught

  4. Current Research Interests

  5. Major Research Contributions

  6. Recent Publications


B.E. University of Madras
M.Tech IIT, Madras
Ph.D IIT Madras

Major Areas of Interest:

Courses Taught :

Current Research Interests:

Major Research Contributions:

Recent Publications:

  1. T. Ravi Sundar, E.G. Tulapurkara, V. Balabaskaran," “ An Experimental Investigation of Inlet Swirl in an Elbow type Draft Tube”, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, v32i 1.40, pp 57-78, Dec 2005.

  2. R.S. Madhusudan, V. Balabaskaran, E.G. Tulapur kara, P.A. Aswatha Narayana, " Investigations on Aerdynamic characteristics of S- shaped aerofoils with different locations of maximum camber"Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery, October 22-25, 2000,Beijing, China.

  3. V. Balabaskaran, "Some Concepts of Fully Reversible Axial FlowPump-Turbines for for harnessing energy from ocean tides, Procceedings of the one day seminar on Renewable Energy from the ocean organized by the Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency, Chennai and Ocean Engineering Centre, IIT, Madras, Chennai, 10th June 2000.

  4. V. Balabaskaran, B.H. Lakshmana Gowda, N. Venkatasubramanian, "Flow Visualization Studies over S-Blades", Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, vol. 5, Number 3, pp 249-259, 1998

  5. T. Ravisundar, E.G. Tulapurkara, V.Balabaskaran,"A Note on Further Investigations of Effects of Fins in a Curved Duct",Journal Aer. Soc. of India, Vol.50, pp.59-64,1998

  6. V. Balabaskaran, B.H. Lakshmana Gowda, N. Venkatasubramanian, "Flow Visualisation Studies over S-Blades", Paper No. 239, 8th International Conference on Flow Visualisation, Sep 1-4, Sorrento, Italy, 1998

  7. T. Ravisundar, E.G. Tulapurkara, V. Balabaskaran, "Effect of Fins in a Curved square Duct", Journal of the Aeronautical Society of India , Vol. 28, pp. 48-55, 1996.

  8. Ravi Sundar, E.G. Tulapurkara, V. Balabaskaran, "Effect of Fins in a Curved Squared Duct", Annual meeting of the Aeronautical Society of India, Madras, January 1996.
  9. G.Swaminathan, V. Balabaskaran, M. Ravindran, "Studies on annulus flow of a Well's Turbine", Paper No. E-3, Proc. of the International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluid Engineering, pp 340-347, Beijing, China, Sep. 1996.
  10. T. Ravisundar, E.G. Tulapurkara, V. Balabaskaran, "Study of Flow in an elbow type Draft Tube with inlet swirl", Paper No.E-4, Proc. of the International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluid Engineering, pp. 348-356, Beijing, China, Sep. 1996.
  11. R.S. Madhusudan, V. Balabaskaran, P.A. Aswatha Narayana, E.G.Tulapurkara "Effect of maximum blade thickness on the performance symmetrical S-blades", Journal of Aero. society of India, pp 73-79, May 1995.
  12. T.Ravi Sundar, E.G. Tulapurkara, V. Balabaskaran, "Effects of Inlet Swirl Flow on Pressure Recovery in an Elbow type Draft Tube", Proc. of the 22nd FMFP Conference, Madras, pp 71-77, December 1995.
  13. T.L. Viswanatha Shastry, V. Balabaskaran, E.G. Tulapurkara, "Analysis of Flow over S-Blade Profiles using Integral Method", 21st National Conference of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Hyderabad, Dec, 27-29,pp FM 3.1-3.6, 1994.
  14. Baby Chacko, V.Balabaskaran, E.G. Tulapurkara, H.C. Radha Krishna, "Performance Characteristics of S-cambered profiles with cut-off trailing edges", A.S.M.E. Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol 116, pp 522-527, Sep.1994.
  15. R.S. Madhusudan, P.A. Aswatha Narayana, V. Balabaskaran, E.G. Tulapurkara, "Boundary Layer Studies over an S-blade", Fluid Dynamics Research Journal(Japan), pp 241-258, 14, Sep. 1994
  16. M. Ravindran, V. Balabaskaran, G. Swaminathan, "Comparison of Performances of Constant and varying Chord Wells Turbine Rotors for Wave Energy Applications", European Wave Energy Symposium, July 21-24, Edinburgh, UK, Paper No. E4 ,1993.
  17. P.A. Aswatha Narayana, Baby Chacko, V.Balabaskaran, E.G. Tulapurkara, "Effect of thickness distribution on the performance of S-cambered profiles", A.S.C.E. Journal of Energy, Vol 118, No.3, pp 164-179, Dec 1992.
  18. Baby Chacko, V.Balabaskaran, E.G. Tulapurkara, P.A.Aswatha Narayana, "Double cambered S-profiles working under forward and reversed flow conditions ", 18th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power, Indore, December 1991.
  19. V.Balabaskaran, R.I.Lewis, H.C.Radha Krishna, "Application of two Dimensional Turbomachinery Technique for the analysis of marine Ducted Propeller", Proc. of 4th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Hong Kong, August, 1989.
  20. V.Balabaskaran, R.I.Lewis, H.C.Radha Krishna,"Application of Surface Vorticity Distribution Theory for the analysis of flow through axial flow hydro- machines", C.B.I.P Journal of Irrigation and Power, pp 124-143, April 1988.
  21. V.Balabaskaran, H.C.Radha Krishna, "SVD methods applied to axial flow Hydraulic Machines", 54th C.B.I.P. Research and Development session, Technical session V, Paper No.6, Ranchi, May 1988.
  22. V. Balabaskaran, D. Syed Abdul Rahman, "Calculation of potential flow past "S" cambered blade profiles using Surface Vorticity Distribution method", 15th National Conf. on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, July, R.E.C., Srinagar, 1987.
  23. G. Swaminathan, M. Ranvindran, V. Balabaskaran, "Theoretical studies on the performance of blade profiles of self rectifying air-turbines to be used in wave energy devices", 15th National Conf. on FM & FP, July, R.E.C., Srinagar, 1987.
  24. R.S.Madhusudan, P.A.Aswatha Narayana, V.Balabaskaran, H.C.Radha Krishna, "Effect of Reynolds Number on the performance of isolated symmetric light cambered "S" profiles", 15th National Conf. on FM & FP, R.E.C., Srinagar,July, 1987.
  25. V.Ramjee, E.G.Tulapurkara, V.Balabaskaran, "Experimental and theoretical study of wings with blunt trailing edges", Journal of Aircraft, Vol.23, No.4, April, 1986
  26. V.Ramjee, V.Balabaskaran, "A numerical study of symmetric NACA aerofoils with blunt trailing edges", 14th National Conf. on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Roorkee, January, 1986.
  27. Sunil S.R. Gongolli, V.Balabaskaran, "Calculation of thick and highly cambered aerofoils in using Surface Vorticity Distribution Method", 6th I.S.M.E. Conf., New Delhi 1985.
  28. R.I. Lewis, V. Balabaskaran, "Aerodynamic Investigations of a Kort Nozzle Ducted Propeller", 7th Conf. on Fluid Machinery, Budapest, Hungary, 1983.
  29. R.S.Madhusudan, P.A.Aswatha Narayana, V.Balabaskaran, H.C.Radha Krishna, "Effect of Profile geometry on the performance of "S"- cambered profiles", 16th National Conf. on FM & FP, Kanpur, December 1988.

Updated on 11/03/02

(Created and maintained by Prof. V. Balabaskaran)

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